About the Author: Jack Darkes, Ph.D.
Jack Darkes, Ph.D.
received his doctorate in clinical psychology form the University of South
Florida (USF) is 1994. He did his post-doctoral work in learning and memory
factors in substance use at the
Alcohol and Substance Use Research Institute (ASURI) at USF. He is
currently as assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and the
Director of Interventions at ASURI at USF. Dr. Darkes has authored
numerous publications, chapters, and conference presentations addressing
issues of learning, memory, and cognition in alcohol use and has also been
instrumental in designing new approaches to the prevention of alcohol abuse
in college students.
He has been an avid weight trainer for 20 years and is interested in all
things related to weight training and performance enhancement through drug
use, supplementation, and diet. He credits these interests and activities
with helping keep him young. He has been an active member of several ongoing
discussion groups on weight training and diet on the Internet and has had
several short pieces on diet and exercise published on other Internet
resources. He is married and he and his wife are avid ferret owners, keeping
an active group of seven ferrets (or being kept by them).
Articles by Jack Darkes |