Think Muscle - Bodybuilding and Fitness

Reader Question and Answer

By Bryan Haycock, Editor-in-Chief
Originally posted 04/09/02 in the Think Muscle Newsletter

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Question: How did you arrive at the optimum number of reps for hypertrophy in HST?


Muscle tissue does not distinguish between rep ranges. There is not a special number of contractions that "triggers" a hypertrophic response. The only thing that triggers hypertrophy is sarcolemma distortion and subsequent microtrauma and to a MUCH lesser extent, metabolic activity. Metabolic activity is more anticatabolic, then anabolic. These pathways of mechanotransduction have been mapped and are not in question. Yes, there are always more details to be ironed out, but the pathways are now established that go from mechanical load to muscle cell growth.

In order to adhere to the principles of training induced muscle hypertrophy we must have progressive load. Progressive load sufficient to cause hypertrophy will limit the number of times the muscle can successfully contract against the resistance. There are several old studies that narrowed it down to a range of perhaps 20 reps (if the muscle is deconditioned) all the way up to 120% of your 1RM. So, depending on how conditioned the muscle is, you can use any rep range between 20 reps and negatives.

While using HST, your reps decrease over time simply because the load is constantly increasing. It's that simple. There is no magic number, though others might have you believe there is.

Question: Its spring time again and I need to get rid of the extra "hibernation fat" that I accumulated over the winter. What kind of weight loss program is most effective?


All weight loss programs that recognize a few basic, yet important principles of proper weight loss can be effective. These principles include:

  • Exercise (not appetite) should be the "primary" strategy for controlling body weight and increasing health.
  • Eating habits must be adjusted not only to ensure weight loss, but also to ensure adequate nutrition.
  • Fat loss will slow and eventually stop on any weight loss program.

Of course, when trying to apply these principles to each individual, some concessions and a little creativity may be needed to reach goals and overcome plateaus.

Also, don't be surprised a the simplicity of weight loss principles. When any thing becomes marketable (diets) misinformation will begin to permeate the market as a result of false claims. Money nearly always has a detrimental effect on the dissemination of accurate and unbiased information, no matter what the industry.

Question: Can you give us an overview of the next HSN supplements that are about to come out?


First let me say I really appreciate your interest in the HSN line. It is a project I have put my heart and soul into, and I am determined to make it the highest quality and most dependable (trustworthy) supplement line you can use.

The next HSN product will be a fine grain creatine. Now before you say, "Creatine is boring. Where's the cutting edge? Where's the magic?! Where are the top secret compounds?!!" let me say that HSN products will not come out of nowhere and certainly will not be "secret" (secrecy is fertile ground only for deception). They can't. Why? Because all HSN products must be proven to work before I will offer them. In order to be proven, they must first be tested and evaluated by other researchers in an open, peer-reviewable manner. This will all be a process open to the public. Therefore, very little of what HSN will introduce in the "near" future will be completely new.

By sticking to this policy of research before marketing, I can say with confidence, and without any risk of deception, that my products will do exactly what I say. If I make ANY claim about what an HSN product will do, I will provide all of the peer-reviewed research to substantiate that claim.

After the creatine I will release a meal replacement (MRP) version of the Primer and Driver called Prime+ and Drive+. These will have carbs as well as vitamins and minerals and will still be differentiated by being fast and slow protein products. Having a low-carb and high-carb version of high quality proteins will make adjusting carb levels easy. Just use Primer and Driver while keeping carbs low, and switch to Prime+ and Drive+ when you bump them back up again.

The response to the Primer and Driver thus far has been very positive. You can expect the same quality and great taste in future products.

Question: Why is it that my husband seems to lose weight so easily while I struggle for every pound?


The ease with which a person loses weight depends on several factors. Some of these factors include:

  • Body size (height, frame size)
  • The amount of lean mass (muscle) a person has
  • Hormone levels

Without going into too much detail, the bigger you are the more calories you burn in a day. Likewise, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. So the bigger and more muscular you are, the easier it is to lose weight.

Hormones like estrogen can make losing weight much more difficult. Testosterone, on the other hand, facilitates fat loss. This alone can account for some of the differences seen between men and women.

Additionally, thyroid hormones play a major role in regulating body weight. If you have been "sort of dieting" for a long time, your thyroid levels may be reduced. The only way to get thyroid levels optimized for fat loss is to refeed yourself with more healthy food and calories for a couple weeks before attempting to diet again. Blood tests may also be helpful in detecting hormonal deficiencies that may hinder weight loss.