SD during HST cutting cycles


New Member
Hey people,

I've done two bulking cycles (currently on a cutting cycle) for the past 5 months or so with a vanilla Simplify & Win Routine and have gotten very good results! Now that i'm on a cutting cycle, i've been reading up and I see that it has been suggested that SD is not necessary during cutting.

I quote Lol

Skip 15s; start with 10s and move on to 5s for a four week cycle. Eat so as to lose about 1 lb bw per week (ie. about 500 cals below maintenance daily). Check how you are getting on at the end of the four weeks; eat at maintenance for a week then adjust your cals and start a new cycle. No need to SD between mini-cycles unless you feel beaten up. If you do SD for a week, be sure to eat at maintenance or a little over. Eating at maintenance (or a little over) for a week each cycle will help reset your appetite and weight-control hormone signalling. There are other ways to use HST while cutting but this one works well.

For this part i do not really understand why is it so, as i thought SD is always required after the 5 rep maxes for our body to again, respond to submaximal weights.

Can someone help me? THANKS :)
The problem is that while cutting calories/carbs significantly, you risk losing muscle. The training will offset your body's tendency to cannibalize your muscle while dieting. If you are dieting, I would suggest you do one of two things, 1) extend your current training cycle for as long as you are cutting your calories, or 2) go ahead and SD, but also SD your diet, meaning, bring your calories just up to maintenance while you are not training. It is true, fat loss may slow significantly during this period, but you also keep all your hard earned muscle.
I would also recommend bringing the calories back to maintenance and taking a 9 day SD between cutting cycles simply as a good break from the lifting, since keeping up the routine while cutting can be very difficult since you know you aren't gaining any muscle. This also gives you a period to bring your metabolism back up and normalize all your hormones before you go back into cutting. There is also the chance that the spike in satellite cells on day 10 when you start lifting again might be beneficial while cutting. One thing I would do during cutting is extend my cycles to around 10 - 12 weeks and then take a 9 day SD before doing another 10 - 12 week cycle.
This completely solves my problem! Now I can continue my cutting cycle. I think I'm going to go ahead and extend the 5s while dieting till my fat loss has slowed significantly and SD (on a maintenance/refeed) before deciding where to go next. THANKS BRYAN & TOTENTANZ. REALLY APPRECIATED THE HELP :D