Creatine and Muscle Cramps


New Member
I started taking Creatine about 3 weeks ago and have been getting alot of muscle cramps. I seem to respond well to this supplement and do not want to stop taking it unless I have to. I got a cramp in my leg during last nights sleep that made me not take any today. I drink well over 1/2 gallon of water a day and weigh 160 pounds. I haven't had any of the often mentioned stomach problems with it. I do not take any other supplements. Does anyone have a solution to eliminating these cramps? I may cut the 5 gram dosage that I was taking in half and see if the problem goes away.
Thanks in advance.
Dear kmax,

Cramps can be due to dehydration. Since your water intake appears sufficient, you might consider that an electrolyte imbalance could be the cause for your cramping.

Are you getting enough calcium? Potassium? In this day and age, we tend to take too much sodium while calcium, potassium, magnesium and other vital minerals are found to be lacking. This does not mean popping mineral pills, but rather, increasing your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, and some supplementation (magnesium comes to mind...) while cutting back on sodium intake, especially if you have a heavy hand on the salt-shaker.

Also, where exactly are these muscle cramps? It is unusual to have multiple cramping of muscles. I hope all goes well for you.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
Hi kmax,

I recall having muscle cramps when I first started taking creatine. One time, I was tucking in my shirt when my entire right pectoral went into a spasm--that really hurt. And, I used to get those infernal calf cramps in my sleep, too. On the other hand, I've always had a problem with leg-cramps, even before taking creatine. Because of this, I didn't view the creatine as the cause.

I didn't stop with the creatine, either. I did start taking a multivitamin and eating a bit more fruit during the day. Also, I drink a lot more water these days. When my calves feel tight, I gently give them a stretch. I have not had any cramps for a long, long time (long enough to forget the last time it happened).

Maybe these things would help you with your cramps.

I hope this helps.

Thanks to both of you for responding. I get calf cramps at night like you did Navigator. I also have been getting them in my toes and between my thumb and index finger.
My diet is clean but light in dairy. I eat alot of fruits and veges so I don't think that it is it. I also do not eat much salt. I don't add it and I stick with natural foods, no salt added or canned foods. My blood pressure goes up with too much salt.
I do drink about 24 ounces of coffee a day. I remember reading once that it can cause muscle cramps. I think that may be a part of my problem but the amount I drink hasn't changed in a long time so it can't be the only reason.
I plan on taking a shotgun approach and up my vitamins and minerals, within reason of course. I will cut back on coffee, stretch and lessen the creatine dosage for a while and see what happens.
If this works ok I can then go back up to 5grams.
The body would, over time, get accustomed to caffeine consumption. Caffeine itself doesn't cause dehydration, but due to its prevention of breakdown of cathecholamines it can increase urinary output. Because you have been drinking coffee for so long I would safely say that coffee isn't the culprit.

You can stick to the 5gm creatine per day, but spread the dose into two or threes, if this is possible. For me, it's roughly a flat 1/3 teaspoon for a 3x/day dosage. Increase your water intake yet more if possible, and keep your extremities warm while you sleep. Cold or cool temperature can actually cause cramping of the extremities, so this is something that could be a cause.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
I went to my Chiropractor, routine visit, and I asked if she knew the cause of muscle cramps. My Chiro is knowledgeable on nutrition, diet, etc. She immediately responded with "muscle cramps are usually caused by a lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium". That is also what Dianabol said.
I started taking these minerals and 5 grams of creatine again today.