
New Member
First, a little information to help with my question. I am a 23 year old male. I am 5-10" and weigh 170 pounds. I work out four days a week.
I have recently found out about the negative side affects of taking excess iron. I take one multivitamin on off days and take two multivitamins on workout days. Each multivitamin contains 18mg of iron. I am very worried that I may be poisoning myself, I have been following this regimen for about 2 years. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am greatly concerned......
There are men's multi's with no iron. Look into that option. 2 MVI's a day is a lot of well....vitamins and minerals. THere is no real benefit with going above the RDA of V and M's. Research of V anf M mega dosages are poor. You may want to use 1/2 a MVI and let your diet take care of the rest. Only problems may be in zinc and magnesium.

Unlikely. If you'd poisoned yourself along the way, you'd know by now.

Most of the long-term ill-effects are just that; long-term. High iron levels over many years will heighten your free-radical damage, which is associated with things like cardiovascular disease. If you take care of yourself from now on, you need not worry.