Recent content by B.b. in stress!

  1. B

    20 min. bike ride before and after workout ok?

    thx for the replies! and yes, i do hst during my bulks which have about 4500 cals in everyday. im pretty sure i have sufficient amounts of carbs and protein pre-w
  2. B

    20 min. bike ride before and after workout ok?

    im all into saving money, so i ride my bike to the gym before and after I work out. my question is, is that bad for the legs especially because im under an hst session? is that too much cardio to do anyway? if it is all right, should i just skip the cardio sessions on off days? btw, the bike...
  3. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    thx for the advise everyone! And sun, u r right and that journey and destination thing, and i do try not to compare myself with anyone but myself. i would type more, but i have a whole #### load of aich-doublya (hw) to do. later friends!
  4. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    thx! my goal is to do dips and pull ups with weights on me, which seems kinda far away right now....
  5. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    hey sun, do u know how i can get any stronger in my pullups and dips? i tested today and can only do 5 dips and 4 close-grip pullups. i know, its sad...
  6. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    does that mean it works the bis more, or just gives u a good stretch?
  7. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    thx a lot friend! that was the exact answer i was looking for :D
  8. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    also, does it matter what grip you have for the chins? baically, does it work you bis more if you have a close-grip, or shoulder-width grip?
  9. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    wouldt it be wise to do strictly compound movements anyway?
  10. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    the thing is, i think my bis r bigger than my tris, but i really dont know. i really want my tris to get bigger though thats for sure. i want them to grow more than my bis is what im saying.
  11. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    anyone else? dont be afraid to give me advise. :D
  12. B

    how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

    thx a lot joe! im currently on john beraid's massive eating and try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Dont worry, i practically know everything about bodybuilding that a regular should know. ill use only compound movements for arms. thx again!