Recent content by JoeCannonMSCSCS

  1. J

    What is the perfect Timing of Servings ??

    As you probalby know the RDA for protein is .8 g/kg of body weight. In your case this puts you at 64 grams a day which is most likely not enough for you since you are a regular strength trainer. Know that the amount of protein required to optimize muscle mass is controversal with different...
  2. J

    Melatonin is a hormone.  Should I cycle it?

    Hi Ruhl Why do you want to use melatonin? Yes it is a hormone, made in a small gland in your brain called the pineal gland. Melatonin appears to affect the body in a variety of ways however its impact on sleeping is the main reason people use it. Aside sleep and jet lag, some use melatonin for...
  3. J

    Which Protein ?

    Whey protein is in reality made up of several different compounds which appear to have unique effects. For example, some components of whey appear to act as antioxidants or help reform glutathione, one of your bodies antioxidant defense systems. Other components may augment the immune response...