Recent content by nativetroutbum

  1. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    A few noteworthy points from training recently: Deads: I am now comfortably completing sets of 410x5, followed by sets of 3, 2, and 1. Probably move up to 415x5 next week. Bench: Last week I went "heavy "to see what I could do with 225. Managed a couple sets of 3 and a bunch of sets of 2...
  2. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Couple noteworthy points from training recently: Deads: managed 405x6 and 405x7. These are touch-and-go reps rather than full dead reps. Alternating grip, chalk and belt. Bench: Couple training sessions at 5x5 @ 210. 5x5 @ 225 is close-er... ATG Squats: Sorta been stuck at 5x5 @ 205...
  3. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Noteworthy stuff from training this week. Deads: Decided not to go heavy this week, so the one day I did deads, I worked light and worked up to 315x15. Cardio was the only issue... Tim, I just realized I never answered your question, i apologize. I pull conventional, anything over 315 I...
  4. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Haven't had much, if any, time to myself lately, so no time to do any blog-reading/writing. Still able to prioritize training 3-5 times weekly, for which I am very thankful. I've been training heavy and eating less; but not getting too neurotic about counting every calorie. I'm continuing to...
  5. N

    Lifting Goals & Personal Record Log

    Hit a new PR on deadlift yesterday. 450 x 1 @ BW of 160. Leaner and stronger!! I hit a bit of a sticky point right below my knee but I managed to lean back and get it. I had my buddy watching to ensure it was a 100% legal, he confirmed, the bar never moved downward at all. Once I locked...
  6. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Deadlifts: 405x5 today @ BW of 161.
  7. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Managed a new dead lift PR on Monday. 435 @ BW of 165. Wasn't quite 100% and warmups didn't feel great, but I figured I would try for a new PR anyway. It was a true MAX effort... I suppose it's possible I could have had 440, but I'm guessing my 450 benchmark is still a few months off...
  8. N

    Lifting Goals & Personal Record Log

    Managed a 435 dead lift @ BW of 165. +5lb over my previous PR whilst 12 pounds lighter.
  9. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    I was ALMOST able to jump right back into the loads I had worked up to prior to getting sick. Here I am a few weeks later and I'm pretty much back to where I was. I've been trying to stick to 3 sets of 6 reps with the exception of dead lifts where I've been approaching my 1RM so I'm only doing...
  10. N

    Lol's New HST Log

    No better "high intensity cardio" than high rep deads. :)
  11. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    So I was on track and doing well, and shortly after posting my last update I came down with a stomach virus. So, I basically took an unscheduled 8-day SD. I got back into the gym for the first time on Tuesday and managed Tues/Thurs training this week. I knew trying to pick up where I left off...
  12. N

    TangoDown's Vanilla HST Run

    Congrats on the 450 deadlift, TD!!
  13. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Been a long time since I posted... I've been consistently training 3x week, M/W/F, full body training, 3 sets per exercise (except deads, sticking to 6-10 total reps at working weight), aiming for 6 reps per set, 10 reps for leg press, and progressively increasing loads everywhere. Haven't been...
  14. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Had to share two PRs today. ATG back Squats - 255x1. Flat bench - 245x1, both at a BW of 168 lbs! I made attempts ar 265 on squats and 255 on bench and I just barely missed... had to have spotter give just a touch of help at a sticking point only... so very close on both attempts. Rest of my...
  15. N

    Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

    Now that I've got a few minutes to myself, I figured I'd post an "update." Life and work have been insane. My 12 hour days have continued, and I'm consistently logging about 120 hours every two weeks... My training has been consistent though I'm not getting nearly enough sleep. Overall, my...