Recent content by NWlifter

  1. NWlifter

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    for sure a full body of 1 set a week vs full body 3x a week would usually find the 3x a week way better. But, the volume equated tells us the truth, that 9 sets once a week is the same as 3 sets 3x a week. it keeps all variables the same except frequency so that one can be looked at. The bummer...
  2. NWlifter

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    It's hard to guess on that, it's one of those 'theory vs reality' kinda things. Most studies on frequency now find that it's individual, it depends on recovery (not just the muscle but the joints, connective tissues, CNS, etc.) and that most of the time, the differences are so small that 'weekly...
  3. NWlifter

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    The main thing is, regular training obviously works. (5x5, 4x8, myo-reps, higher reps, lower reps, etc.) the idea with HST is to 'hack' the system and gain faster. We have no idea what our individual 'fast' vs 'slow and steady' gains might be, so it's hard to judge these things. Some of the...
  4. NWlifter

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    I'll comment a bit on some of your points above ( @Clayton) Metabolic 'stuff' so to speak, does for sure upregulate some of the signal factors for hypertrophy, as does mechanical stress (newer info. looks like that's via the opening of 'titin' in the sarcomere). I myself am pretty positive...
  5. NWlifter

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I think repair and hypertrophy all happen at the same time, but if there is significant damage, the whole process can take a lot longer.
  6. NWlifter

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    It'll come up with extra D my wife got hers into the high 30's in 6 months and hers was super low, so many people in non sunny areas have low D I guess
  7. NWlifter

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    What was your D level? A few years ago my wife was tested and she was at like 6, the doctor was like omg, never seen anyone that low before.
  8. NWlifter

    Volume Is The Key Driver For Muscle Hypertrophy

    Yeah and it's individual too and based on effort and frequency too. I know with me, I have had a gain increase going from 5 up to 20 sets a week, but only for one or two muscles, and only for a little while . I'd assume it's mostly sarcoplasmic increases. Now a days, I'd rather just go slow and...
  9. NWlifter

    Volume Is The Key Driver For Muscle Hypertrophy

    I think this gets all misconstrued with some of this research. Volume is really 'time with tension', and of course, more time increases the 'stimulus', it doesn't guarantee the response is proportional though. We know doing a 1RM for 1 rep is almost zero stimulus for hypertrophy, even if your...
  10. NWlifter

    Satellite Cells, Nuclei And Ribosomes

    ok cool, I knew I could do English but plain and understandable was the challenge lol
  11. NWlifter

    Satellite Cells, Nuclei And Ribosomes

    LOL ok basically, the nuclei already in the cells are cranking out the code for contractile proteins, when satellite cells donate more nuclei, much of the code for proteins, are actually to build more ribosomes, then those can actually make more actual proteins (contractile and all others). Hope...
  12. NWlifter

    Satellite Cells, Nuclei And Ribosomes

    LOL yep, I'm the Ghost of Science Past lol Pretty much that sentence summed it up, "we provide evidence that satellite cell-derived myonuclei may preferentially supply ribosomal proteins to growing myofibers"
  13. NWlifter

    Satellite Cells, Nuclei And Ribosomes

    I can't find the old thread where we were talking about satellite cells, and I remember Bryan posted in the thread that ribosomes might be even more important. This study kinda ties that together. That additional myo-nuclei might actually be generating more ribosomes, rather than just creating...
  14. NWlifter

    2016 Log

    OHHH ok
  15. NWlifter

    2016 Log

    what is that number?