Shoulder Injury


New Member
I injured my shoulder on my last workout before SD. It feels similar to when I injured the same shoulder a about 5 years ago. I had a shoulder impingement. During that time I wasn't able to lift for like 6 months. I don't want to go through that again. Does anyone here have any knowledge about this type of injury and what I can do to hurry along the healing process? Thanks.

First...take my advise....don't push it...

I've been dealing with my arm for two years now and I have to say it sucks. I tore a tendon in my right elbow. I tried all the convention doctor stuff. I looked into prolotherapy and I have been getting some decent results. I haven't tried it yet but I am also planning on trying some Cissus Quad. Synergymuscle sells it...suppose to help with healing.

But most of all...give it time and don't rush extra week or two off in the gym versus 6 months is well worth it.

Good Luck

I hope this article wil help out, I am going thorugh an inpingement now and it is not funny, but one can learn to work around it, one thing is certain exercises will have to be dropped until better days.

Here is a good article by Eric Crassey:

Cracking the rotator Cuff Conundrum
The best advice I can give having had a shoulder injury myself that took me a a year to come back from and only enough to begin to workout with extremely low weights.

1) don't do ANYTHING that produces pain/discomfort. If it doesn't feel right, it's wrong.
2) seek professional help for a correct diagnostic.
3) rehab.

Good luck
I've had problems with both shoulders... yep, just when one was able to handle higher weights, the other would give up. I HIGHLY recommend Scrawny To Brawny even if you just utilize the first Corrective Phase. These dynamic and static stretches along with the Phase I workouts have helped a great deal.
