mickc1965 training log

Friday 29 May 2015

Routine A - cycle 9 week 4
(figures in brackets represents projected 1rm from previous cycle / current cycle / actual)

session 2 @ 6:05pm

Rear Squats (141.06 / na / na)

target is 30 reps (clustered but aiming for 2 x 15 reps) @ 65.04% of previous projected 1rm

set 1 - 91.75kgs x 15
set 2 - 91.75kgs x 15

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, 2nd set was rest paused from 10th onwards with about 5 secs between reps, f**k 15s were hard today!!!!!

Standing Calf Raise (291.53 / na / na)

target is 50 reps (clustered but aiming for 2 x 25 reps) @ 55.74% of previous projected 1rm

set 1 - 162.5kgs x 25
set 2 - 162.5kgs x 25

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, last couple of reps in 2nd set was a real burner!


3 x 15 reps x 15kgs
Saturday 30 May 2015

Routine B - cycle 9 week 4
(figures in brackets represents projected 1rm from previous cycle / current cycle / actual)

session 1 @ 6:05am

Overhead Press (82.79 / na / na)

target is 30 reps (aiming for 2 x 15 reps) @ 65.22% of previous projected 1rm

set 1 - 54kgs x 15
set 2 - 54kgs x 12+3
Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, 2nd set 30 seconds rest

Neutral Grip Chins (130.21 / na / na)

target is 30 reps (aiming for 2 x 15 reps) @ 65.08% of previous projected 1rm

set 1 - 84.75kgs (bw plus 4.25kgs) x 15
set 2 - 84.75kgs (bw plus 4.25kgs) x 15

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets

Lying leg raises / bottoms up

3 x 15 reps
Saturday 30 May 2015

Routine B - cycle 9 week 4
(figures in brackets represents projected 1rm from previous cycle / current cycle / actual)

session 2 @ 8:45pm

Deadlift (200 / na / 200)

target is 15 reps (aiming for 3 sets of 5 reps) @ 82.5% of previous projected 1rm

set 1 - 165kgs x 5
set 2 - 165kgs x 5
set 3 - 165kgs x 5

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, had originally planned on 162.5kgs but decided on 165kgs, the last rep on the 3rd set was just about there.

Rear Shrugs (239.2 / na / na)

target is 50 reps (aiming for 2 sets of 25 reps) @ 55.39% of previous projected 1rm

set 1 - 132.5kgs x 25
set 2 - 132.5kgs x 25

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets


3 x 15 reps x 15kgs
Sunday 31 May 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 5 rep max (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from previous cycle)

session 1 @ 6:30pm

Dips (93.75kgs x 15 / 112.5kgs x 10 / 127.25 x 5)

target is 10 reps (aiming for 2 sets of 5 reps) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 131kgs (bw plus 50.5kgs) x 4
set 2 - 131kgs (bw plus 50.5kgs) x 3
set 3 - 131kgs (bw plus 50.5kgs) x 3

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets

Pendlay Rows Pendlay Rows (64.25kgs x 15 / 74.25kgs x 10 / 92.5kgs x 6)

target is 10 reps (aiming for 2 sets of 5 reps) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 97.5kgs x 5
set 2 - 97.5kgs x 5

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets

Lying Leg Raise / bottoms up

3 x 15 reps
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Monday 01 June 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 5 rep max / 15 reps for calf raises (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from previous cycle)

session 2 @ 6:00pm

Rear Squats (91.75kgs x 15 / 106kgs x 10 / 120kgs x 5)

target is 10 reps (aiming for 2 sets of 5 reps) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 122.5kgs x 4
set 2 - 122.5kgs x 3
set 3 - 122.5kgs x 2

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, I think the 3 sets of deadlifts at 82.5% of 1rm may have had a detrimental effect on squats tonight

Calf Raise (160kgs x 25 / 174.5kgs x 20 / 195kgs x 15)

target is 30 reps (aiming for 2 sets of 15 reps) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 200kgs x 15
set 2 - 200kgs x 12+3

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, 20 seconds between 'rest paused' reps in set 2 - PB for 15 reps, load felt heavy on the shoulders / back so will not increase the load on this next week!!


3 x 15 reps x 15kgs
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I would think 210 is definitely in your scope, if not a little more. Depends on testing conditions; more of a daily max test, or more of a meet peaking test.
Ok I will give 210 a go but only have one more max deadlift session after tonight as off on my 50th celebrations next week (11 June)!!
Tuesday 02 June 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 5 rep max (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from a previous cycle)

session 1 @ 6.15am

Overhead Press (54kgs x 15 / 62.25kgs x 10 / 70.5kgs x 5)

target is 10 reps (in 2 / 3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 71.25kgs x 5
set 2 - 71.25kgs x 3
set 3 - 71.25kgs x 2

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets - PB slight increase in load for 5 reps but this was a real grind ths morning, 1st rep of each set was very slow as doing this exercise strict as I can rather than a push press, will leave at this weight for next week as only got 3 reps last week at 72.5kgs. - edit my mistake last week I did 70.5kgs not 72.5kgs as stated, doh!!!!

Neutral Grip Chins (84.75kgs x 15 / 97.75kgs x 10 / 110.75kgs x 5)

target is 10 reps (in 2/3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 113kgs (bw plus 32.5kgs) x 5
set 2 - 113kgs (bw plus 32.5kgs) x 3
set 3 - 113kgs (bw plus 32.5kgs) x 2

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets 1 and 2 and 120 seconds between sets 2 and 3 - PB increase in load for 5 reps so I will increase again to 115 next Tuesday in final workout session before my holiday.

Lying leg raises / bottoms up

3 x 15 reps
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Tuesday 02 June 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 5 rep max / 15 reps for shrugs (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from a previous cycle)

session 2 @ 6:15pm

Deadlift (200kgs x 1 / 182.5kgs x 2 x 4 sets / 165kgs x 5 x 3 sets)

1st set will be a 1 rep max attempt, followed by 10 reps (clustered) @ 85% of previous 1rm

set 1 - 210kgs x fail x 2
set 2 - 170kgs x 4
set 3 - 170kgs x 3
set 4 - 170kgs x 3

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, barely got 210 off the floor!!!!

Shrugs (120.75kgs x 25 / 131.75kgs x 20 / 160kgs x15)

target is 30 reps (aim is 2 sets of 15 reps, clustered if necessary) @ over 100% of previous 5rm

set 1 - 165kgs x 15
set 2 - 165kgs x 15

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, PB for 15 reps


3 x 15 reps x 15kgs
Barely off the floor, warm ups were 60x8, 80x4, 100x2, 120x1, 140x1, 170x1 probably should have done 160 then 180 and maybe another one at 190-195!!
I thought 200 would have been too much as that was my previous 1rm, I may attempt 205 tomorrow then do my deficit deadlifts as normal and if successful will attempt 210 again next Tuesday.
Wednesday 03 June 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 10 rep max (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from a previous cycle)

session 1 @ 6:15am

Dips (93.75kgs x 15 / 112.5kgs x 10 / 127.25 x 5)

target is 20 reps (in 2/3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 10rm

set 1 - 115.5kgs (bw plus 35kgs) x 10
set 2 - 115.5kgs (bw plus 35kgs) x 10

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets - PB increase in load for 10 reps

Pendlay Rows (64.25kgs x 15 / 74.25kgs x 10 / 92.5kgs x 6)

target is 20 reps (in 2/3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 10rm

set 1 - 87.5kgs x 10
set 2 - 87.5kgs x 6
set 3 - 87.5kgs x 4

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets 1 and 2 with 120 seconds between 2 and 3 - PB with a significant increase in load for 10 reps between this and the last cycle however a fair amount of pain in forearm for the last 3 reps in the first set so deliberately stopped short in 2nd set before pain set in and completed remainder in 3rd set

Lying Leg Raise / bottoms up

3 x 15 reps
All the best for a 205 pull, Mick.

I know if I over-exert on a warmup, I take ages to recover enough for the max attempt.

I think I would go 60x5, 100x2, 140x1, 160, 180, 205 and if I got that without too much of a grind I'd go for 210 after about 5 minutes.
All the best for a 205 pull, Mick.

I know if I over-exert on a warmup, I take ages to recover enough for the max attempt.

I think I would go 60x5, 100x2, 140x1, 160, 180, 205 and if I got that without too much of a grind I'd go for 210 after about 5 minutes.
Thanks @Lol,

60 x 5 and 100 x 2 was how I used to do it, think I changed it when I started to find the later sets in a workout seemed to get slightly easier or at least no harder (when I do 5 sets of 2 reps) and put this down to being 'more' warmed up!!! I will revert back to that warm up protocol.
Wednesday 03 June 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 10 rep max / 20 reps for calf raise(figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from previous cycle)

session 2 @ 6:00pm

Rear Squats (91.75kgs x 15 / 106kgs x 10 / 120kgs x 5)

target is 10 reps (in 2/3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 10rm

set 1 - 110kgs x 8
set 2 - 110kgs x 7
set 3 - 110kgs x 5

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets

Calf Raise (160kgs x 25 / 174.5kgs x 20 / 195kgs x 15)

target is 40 reps (in 2/3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 20rm

set 1 - 180kgs x 20
set 2 - 180kgs x 15+5

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets, 20 seconds between mini sets in 2nd set - PB for 20 reps


3 x 15 reps x 20kgs
Thursday 04 June 2015

Cycle 9 week 5 @ over 100% of previous 10 rep max (figures in brackets represents actual rep maxes for each stated rep range from a previous cycle)

session 1 @ 6.15am

Overhead Press (54kgs x 15 / 62.25kgs x 10 / 70.5kgs x 5)

target is 20 reps (in 2 / 3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 10rm

set 1 - 65kgs x 10
set 2 - 65kgs x 6
set 3 - 65kgs x 4

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets - PB

Neutral Grip Chins (84.75kgs x 15 / 97.75kgs x 10 / 110.75kgs x 5)

target is 20 reps (in 2/3 sets) @ over 100% of previous 10rm

set 1 - 100kgs (bw plus 20kgs) x 10
set 2 - 100kgs (bw plus 20kgs) x 10

Exercise Note: 180 seconds rest between sets - PB

Lying leg raises / bottoms up

3 x 20 reps