Rest time between sets/execises


New Member
Just wondering, for maximum benefit, how much rest time should be allowed between sets/exercises in HST?

T. Davis
As long as is needed. There doesn't seem to be any studies that indicate short rest periods between sets are beneficial for hypertrophy. They might even lead to more fatigue and force you to use less load, which is a step in the wrong direction.

Welcome mate!

Initially on the 15's many of us use 30 - 45 seconds, as this increases the aerobic side of things and has obvious fat shedding benefits.

But towards the higher loads, the guys can use up to 3 minutes between sets, for those real heavy sets.

The standard seems to be about 1 - 2 minutes, but this is very much a personal matter, you don't want to not rest as it will affect the load or rest too much which leads to cooling down and just slows things down.

I'd say IMO use intuition and listen to your body!
I used to track rest time between sets, but I don't even do it anymore. As Fausto said, I listen to my body, and when I feel I am ready I go ahead and do it.
you can usually tell by using the excersizes that you have 2 sets on. just expiriment a little and see how long it takes get your strenght back. for example if u got 2 sets of bench press and you do like 250 lbs. 12 times and you rest 60 seconds and on the second set u can do only 6 reps than you need more rest time. I use 2 minutes, I could probably use a little more time, but then the workout starts getting too long!!