Anabolic burst cycling and hst

I don't think it's really going to matter as long as you are eating enough each week to gain weight.
But you can get lean while maintaining bodymass or even increasing it ( a friend of mine has done it!)

greetings m@x

Ps:while he was trying the abcde thing, i was trying hst. We both where succesful and recognized that hst is the best way to train and abcde the best way to eat, now we want to combind it.
You can't gain significant muscle while losing a significant amount of fat at the same time without it either taking a very long time or using drugs. If he claims to have, then he wasn't measuring himself properly.

When trying to gain mass, there is nothing magical about eating in a specific way. If following this diet makes it easier for you to take in sufficient calories, then good, but in the end it is still calories in vs. calories out that matters.