Gym decision..advice needed


New Member
Hello, I need an advice between 2 Gyms

home to work - 30 mins.

Gym # 1: 1 minute walk from work only good thing is that have squat rack and I really want to try that... $30/month

Gym #2: current, regular gym 10 minutes from home driving, has everything but no Squat rack ...I got hurt using smith machine and I read that there are not really good alternative to squats. $10/month

if you were in this situation which one will you choose?
I'm a HST usually is MWF...some times may do weekends... any adivece? thanks
well there are plenty of things you could do for legs that do not require a rack
hack squats, leg press, db squat, hex bar deadlifts, various lunges etc.
if they have a military press rack you might be able to use that to do front squats
be creative.
Hi Toten.. I dont think I understan your question....they do have regular benchs. One problem is that in this gym they dont let you take the bars of the benches...the bars that you put plates on. they even have a sign "no deadlifting allow" ridiculous.
I'd go for the gym with the squat rack. It sounds like a better gym. A little more money. But if lifting is an important part of you life then it would be more than worth it.
OK so I think I made up my mind on review from others on this site. the gym is Planet Fitness..yes they removed the fixed barbells over 60lbs and you are not allowed to use the olympic bars to use them for squat or deadlifting... the other is a YMCA...the free weights room is not new but has everything ples has a swimming pool. thanks guys and girls.