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  1. B

    Let's overload!!

    well, I guess that all makes sense if you drastically oversimplify and ignore common sense. But hey, if somehow it works, that's the point, so keep it up. But I'll tell you, there are much more effective ways to drop bodyfat.
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    Let's overload!!

    that's awful logic. Given your reliance on tribulus and arginine (!), I question your ability to have "perfect discipline" in your diet. Not to mention that if your goal is only to burn more calories, this is probably the worst way in the world to do it, because there are ways to...
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    Workout Drink

    no, because you aren't in the gym to eat. If you have your shake before you workout, then you just go to the gym, do what you need to, and get out. 2 hours in the gym is wasted time, you're only in the gym a few hours a week (well, supposedly) so get in there and make the time count.
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    Weightlifter's Headache

    well, for anyone that's interested, I hit the gym yesterday for a decent workout, pretty un-intense though. I'm staying away from squats until next week and I stayed a good 3 reps away from failure at least, and I was able to work out with no pain at all. Granted, whenever I felt myself working...
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    opinions wanted

    there's no doubt that losing several pounds of fat and gaining over 10 pounds of muscle is a very worthwhile and probably quite noticeable achievement. However, at your reported bodyfat level, you should really consider adjusting the diet and trying to cut. If you get the bodyfat down, you'll...
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    HST to get big then HIT to get strong?

    ideally, you wouldn't touch HIT no matter what your goals.
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    Weightlifter's Headache

    thanks a ton Dan, for the "official" info and for the personal experience. The big thing I was wondering (which you answered ) was about the recurrence, at least in your experience. Because it's definately getting better, so I'm glad to have some rough idea of when it should subside...
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    Weightlifter's Headache

    do you get it often? because this isn't just a regular migraine. In fact it feels fine until I start lifting, which makes it hard to judge whether it has improved because I have to lift in order to feel it. Do they start to resolve on their own even if you are still working out?
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    Weightlifter's Headache

    my BP is normal, I forget what but I'm 18 and very active, no history of high BP etc, although I know BP can get very high during strenuous weight-lifting, which I was sure doing (15 rep squats) The problem now is that I'm not returning anywhere close to that level of exertion but I'm still...
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    Weightlifter's Headache

    This is something that's been bothering me since about a week ago. I've seen it on other boards but I've never really found a reliable consensus on what to do about it. Last week I was going particularly hard on a heavy set of squats. After I racked the bar, I noticed by head was POUNDING, just...
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    just use whey. Plenty of BCAA's in whey and much cheaper.
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    do you even understand the genetic basis for cancer? You are the one who assumes to much, because it seems you don't have even close to a sufficient background in the physiology of cancer to be arguing this point.
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    I just hope that you understand this isn't true. Honestly, I didn't care enough to read anything you just posted.
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    It's time to find a new doctor.
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    5's instead of negatives

    as for your specific question, the RBE seems to slow down with heavier weights, so you should get more productive time out of your 5RMs.
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    Reducing Muscular Love Handles

    I've never heard of doing more volume to make a muscle smaller, but hey, go for it.
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    Reducing Muscular Love Handles

    bad logic
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    Value of Squatting

    interesting. Although I can't say squatting is a walk in the park for the lower back either. Anyone else?
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    Value of Squatting

    interesting. Although I can't say squatting is a walk in the park for the lower back either. Anyone else?
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    Value of Squatting

    Okay this isn't really important But I was explaining to a leg presser today the importance of squatting. And I wasn't too successful. Hypertrophy-wise, is there any benefit to squatting that can't be achieved with the combination of leg-pressing, SLDL's and regular deads? I know squats are...