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  1. M

    Mojo Logging

    I would like to know how you have substituted dairy? For me it is a large part of my caloric intake. The only plant based replacement that has sufficient protein is soy. But I don't like soy, looked it up, as it is a trypsin inhibitor and trypsin is the enzyme needed to break down and use...
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    Mojo Logging

    I am thinking of making some nutritional changes as I am also a gerd sufferer. I want to more towards Paleo, gluten free diet. So far I changed regular dairy to goat dairy. Think it could be an improvement. I want to keep eating Bread and wanted to try gluten free. However I see my bakery of...
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    Mojo Logging

    Thanks Lol. I started Rack pulls since I could not move enough weight to fit the big plates to accomodate for proper bar height. So I started rack pulls and stayed with them so far
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    Rethinking Hst

    I think this is an interesting thread but I got lost in the middle. It was said going to failure is needed, to achieve muscle growth. How are you going to go to failure when hst has you starting at 75% of your respective rm's?
  5. M

    Mojo Logging

    I have completed this 8 week cycle but I will not extend it eventually. Fatigue really kicked in and my last two workouts of 10's did not go very well. So I will leave it to that and start a 15 days SD period.
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    Mojo Logging

    A 20kg olympic barbell is included in those weights. I started bench pressing an empty 10kg curl bar I have here.
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    Mojo Logging

    I have reached the last week of this trainingcycle. So I am in week 8, but I am planning to extend it longer, hopefully for another month. I feel there is still room in my squat and a bit in my bench press. Stats so far: Weight is 74,1 kg still no visible fat gains Girth is Stable around 81,5...
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    mickc1965 training log

    Yes, I see what you mean about volume. I do not rack pull or deadlift for 15 either. I do so for 10 and 5, but only twice a week. I also meant, can you bring up your deadlift like that by just deadlifting and progressing the weight or do you need other assistance exercises to get to that level?
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    mickc1965 training log

    That is awesome this 200kg deadlift. Hope to reach it too. Can you bring up deadlift like that in and of itself going through enough hst cycles?
  10. M

    Mojo Logging

    So far so good. Still going at it. Reaching previous cycle max loads next week. Weight is up from 70,4kg (156,4 lbs) to 73.4kg (163,1 lbs) since 8/2/2016. Will stop the bulk and switch to maintenance for the next 3 weeks to avoid too much fat gains. Max allowed weight for march is 73.5kg (163.3...
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    Hst Vs. New Prs Every Week In The Novice Stage

    as can be seen in my short workout log my daily training looks like this mon - 5-3-3-2-2 tues - 5-3-3-2-2 wed - 15 thur - off fri - 10-4-4-3-3 sat - 10-4-4-3-3 sun - off Except for wednesday where I do 2, every other session I only do 1 leg, 1 push and 1 pull exercise. Each training is around...
  12. M

    Hst Vs. New Prs Every Week In The Novice Stage

    Ever since I started hst, I have always executed it in a daily undulated programming style because I do not like the fixed block approach of standard hst. By doing it this way you can extend a cycle as long as you want. There is no need for SD if you don't want to. I usually do an SD anyway, but...
  13. M

    Mojo Logging

    I think I will change this log into an injury and illness log instead: Last week I came down with a cold, sore throat and runny nose. Did resume training anyway. Been beating it with aspirine, nose and throat spray and last but not least propolis chewables, these are great. Mid last week also...
  14. M

    Mojo Logging

    Yes, you understand correctly. I see no other way to do this in a daily undulated program. I also feel the progression is much more natural with the weights for all rep ranges moving up in sync. In standard hst you will work up your block of 15 to a max and the next week start with a 10 weight...
  15. M

    Mojo Logging

    How do you mean sub max loads? It is standard hst to start minus 25% after two weeks SD.
  16. M

    Mojo Logging

    It is indeed ambituous. However, while this is the initial setup, it is auto-regulated as well. If the coping gets too close to failure at maximum loads I will drop the increments in half. Bad days or exercises might also see set scheme's of 5-2-2-2-1 for instance in stead of 5-3-3-2-2. It is...
  17. M

    S A R M S

    I don't know guys, This trial here (okay in dutch but you can translate) indicates lowered test and lowered HDL in a 12 week cycle with only 3mg Ostarine. This shop here does...
  18. M

    Mojo Logging

    Intended setup is, Monday, Do 5-3-3-2-2 myo style rest between 5 and 10 breaths squat Bench Row Tuesday, Same style Rack pull Lat pull down Landmine press Wednesday Do single set AMRAP with min 15 reps Exercises of monday and tuesday + curls and pushdowns Thursday off Friday...
  19. M

    Reasonable To Expect 5lbs Muscle In 20lbs Bulk?

    I do not think heavy bulks are the way to go. You say it yourself, you expect 4/5th of your weight gain to be fat. Most likely when you cut, you will strip away all the muscle you gained with the fat. The ratio is off. Do a slow bulk, no more then 2 pounds gain a month, maybe even less if you...
  20. M

    Mojo Logging

    Got sick again two weeks ago with the flue, fever for a week and had to cope with residual fatigue the week after. So once agin no training in two weeks and another cycle phucked away. This is getting months now that I'm stagnating and not getting anywhere. I've resumed training yesterday and...