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  1. M

    Mojo Logging

    Diet thought... There is a limit to the amount of solid food I can bring to work and remain practical. Most probably, based on past experience, I expect to stall out between 75 and 78kg. I will have to add liquid calories in the form of... Milk. First half full, then full or whole. From this...
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    mickc1965 training log

    It is truly amazing to see these detailed logs being put down so devotedly. I could not possibly do this. I have my own papergrid per cycle that holds the progression per training but writing it out here... WoW great work, keep it up man!
  3. M

    Mojo Logging

    I resumed my training finally this week. Starting stat was 70kg at still around 15% BF or a bit less. 4 days in I am at 71kg. Now the start was a bit depleted so I think the rapid gain still is normal from my previous loss. End goal this cycle is 72,5kg.
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    Nattyornot = Delusion?

    I will say that nattyornot gives a pretty good idea of what is possible natty, allthough they can be a bit sceptical from time to time. It is fair to say that guys like Omar Isuf, Scott Herman and Frank Medrano are indeed natty. But the line pretty much ends There. Guys like Jeff Seid, Kane...
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    Wisdom On Facebook

    Very true Leonard. The point is these predictions are very optimistic since, 1 they are based on elite lifters with elite genes to this 2 these lifters are all potential users since aas are around since the 1930's Most, like 90% will end far south of this 25 ffmi. 22 would be more realistic and...
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    Wisdom On Facebook

    My point is that 99% of the images out there regarding bb-ing are majorely skewed and are showing bodies that are unattainable naturally. This article stating an ffmi of 25 is very well attainable natty is only adding up to this BS because frankly... It is not! The ffmi of Essmaker Roland around...
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    Wisdom On Facebook

    So you say that genetics don't play a role? I think they do. People will have more or less "talent" for muscle development then others, small bone structures do not accomodate for extremely large muscles, declining hormone levels with age don't help either, etc etc... . Me thinks after 4 years...
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    Wisdom On Facebook

    Still something to add here... It is nice to see these drug free potential calculations, but if these standards are taken off elite lifters, then most probably 98% off all lifters will fall far short of these natural limits, even with serious training. I also read on various fora that a natural...
  9. M

    Mojo Logging

    I have done a 15's training yesterday evening with the weights of the beginning of the cycle and started eating more decently again. At 70,5kg yesterday morning, I felt that I've had hit rock bottom, and it made me pissed. At 1kg a month, it's gonna be a long road to 80kg, wich was my summer...
  10. M

    Mojo Logging

    Time for a small update. Things aren't going very well right now. I got sick mid cycle and lost 3kg in 3days time which I was unable to regain for the most part so far. That was a few weeks go. Have been missing more workouts than I'd like since then. it really messed up my cycle. The holiday...
  11. M

    Mojo Logging

    End of SD: stats right now: weight: 71,6kg waist: 80cm BF%: 14,5% (3 point calliper) So I start a little lower compared to the beginning of SD (0,6kg) which I think is good. Other stats stayed the same so I didn't lose any size during SD which is all very good.
  12. M

    Mojo Logging

    The 5's will be merged to 1 training in the new cycle, as it was before. So doing 2 exercises per bodypart.
  13. M

    Mojo Logging

    My point really is the following. Training 5 times a week requires a significantly greater caloric intake compared to training 3 times a week even if the load is the same, just spread out over more days. Herefor, a 5 days a week training regimen is in my opinion best suited when you're in a cut...
  14. M

    Mojo Logging

    Yes I see, for me this daily training didn't keep its promises it apparently does in others. I did not lose any fat, compared to getting jacked in the C. Thibeaudau article, I did not gain any mass I did not gain any Bodyweight I might have lost a little bit in arm size I might have gained a...
  15. M

    Mojo Logging

    I will probably have to. What about 3day vs 5day a week training, see my previous posts as well. Currently still in SD. SD from 16/10 to 1/11.
  16. M

    Mojo Logging

    During SD my caloric intake is dramatically reduced with up to 600kcal a day while still maintaining at 160lbs compared to 5 day a week training. A 900 kcal increase would thus be needed to gain during a cycle, which can become problematic at higher bodyweight. It seems a lot as well
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    Mojo Logging

    Over maintenance
  18. M

    Mojo Logging

    Increase in cals must have been around 150 to 200. While not hyperslow, it needs to stay a slow bulk. Regardless of %, while I might have pushed it a little further, I was very near the limit on several exercises in varies rep ranges. Meaning, I was close to, or unable to finish all the reps...
  19. M

    Mojo Logging

    OK, here are my stats: begin cycle at 8/8/2015: BW: 71.2 kg BF: 14% (estimate 3 point calliper) Girth: 80,5 cm end cycle at 19/10/2015: BW: 72.2 kg BF: 15% (estimate 3 point calliper) Girth: 81,2 cm So I did gain 1kg, however, I also gained 1% BF and about 0,7 cm in girth size, meaning all of...
  20. M

    Mojo Logging

    I am slightly over 72kg or 160lbs. I have my main dish at work so I dont know calorie intake. I watch my macro's roughly. First cycle bulk went great. I really think switching to daily training had an impact, even if volume did not change