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  1. S

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    Saw an osteopath and yep it's definitely the SI joint... will hopefully take 2-4 sessions to resolve. Asked about training and she said best to lay off weights for a week to give my back the best chance of a speedy recovery, then once I can move freely and have minimal pain, re introduce the...
  2. S

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    SI joint pain really, really, really bad... has been excruciating. Absolutely no idea how it came about, and I can't figure this one out. Had some bowen therapy on it which felt like it made it worse, but has actually been alot better today. May just need time to adjust and balance out. Could...
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    _tim's Log

    Ahh now that's a good idea, I'll give that a go. Yeah definitely awkward, but the loading on each leg is awesome! I'm just progressing really slowly with it at the moment. Thanks heaps for that!
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    _tim's Log

    Nice, I've incorporated DB Bulgarian Split Squats into my training recently, just curious do you just rest the top of your foot length on the bench or part of the shin as well? The movement/rear foot position feels a little awkward at the moment... but may just take some time.
  5. S

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Hmm yeah I'm still not too sure about that yet... understandably it doesn't seem like an increase, but in terms of mechanical loading being higher (even though volume is lower) I would still say it's an increase in stimulus. It's been in the experience of many HSTers over time that as they...
  6. S

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Yep, that made perfect sense, and you summed it all up really nicely! Great post :) (Just gettin round to reading all this haha)
  7. S

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    First week went well! I won't log everything I do but I may log how the cycle goes sporadically. Wasn't too taxing the rest-pause style, I made sure to not push too hard, yet still keep it challenging and provide a nice metabolic internal environment. Doing an ABA cycle and including some new...
  8. S

    Pea Protein Isolate!

    Free shipping and yep it's Aus hence why I gave ya a shout out, they're in Brisbane. It's actually a WPI/WPC blend, which is strange as the price is awesome... and it's not a massgainer with extra carbs etc. PM sent :)
  9. S

    Pea Protein Isolate!

    @Jester I just ordered 5kg whey protein on the e-to-the-bay for $65.02! Let me know if you want the link and the discount voucher ;). And that was for flavoured, their unflavoured WPC would come to $58.25 total!
  10. S

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    Am starting a HST cycle (has been a little while doing a pure HST cycle!) and decided to try this little thought/training experiment that this thread was based on. Basically, instead of straight sets, at the start of the reprange block it's a bit more of a rest-pause/cluster, then last two...
  11. S

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    Just had a good read through this entire thread again from last year, some really solid info here!
  12. S

    Ring Training Anyone?

    I seriously thought about it once, would love to do something like that :)
  13. S

    Integrating Myoreps Into Standard Hst Program

    Ah yep good point, cheers O&G! Yeah I've learned that if I overdo it with myoreps I can crash, so learning to train more sensibly. I'm thinking of just doing a slight rest pause in the earlier parts of the rep range block, and myos on the last two sessions of each rep block. At the start it'll...
  14. S

    Integrating Myoreps Into Standard Hst Program

    Hmm... been pondering this a bit... and haven't found any clarity about it and I've found different recommendations... Within the context of a HST cycle, would it make more sense to use myoreps: 1) during the first week of a block (only the 1st week of 15s, 1st week of 10s) Or 2) just for...
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    2016 Log

    Ah yep I meant moreso the sitting on my ass and lying down constantly without much movement hehe... cheers gonna go for a walk now I reckon
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    2016 Log

    Ah right that's good it's healed up for ya. Awesome, thanks heaps I've heard walking is good for it. Have not done much moving for weeks as I've been unwell so that's probably related actually.. cheers
  17. S

    2016 Log

    Hey mate, where abouts is your SI joint pain? Is it sorta the top of the glute near the lower back? Been getting this the last few days, with no possible cause that I can think of haha. Worse first thing in the morning.. Trying to figure out if it's more a glute/hip rotators issue.. Do you do...
  18. S

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    And are the mechanisms of hypertrophy mechanical tension and metabolic stress completely different pathways of hypertrophy, are they complimentary, or are they essentially the same thing but done in a different way? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I feel mechanical tension (through progressive load...
  19. S

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Ah yep, like Borge said, using fatigue as a means or tool to achieve that end/means, rather than having fatigue as the goal. So I guess that's why higher rep/density/myo-rep style training achieves similar results to heavy, low rep progressive load work.. just trying to tie it in in my own head...
  20. S

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Ah yep cheers, so it's more about getting those last ones to recruit, experience tension/strain, and subsequently grow. I guess I was under the impression that it was more about the fatigue angle (and also with the higher rep stuff the emphasis being on all the metabolic components to growth)...