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  1. S

    The Case For Isometrics

    I've always wanted to incorporate isometrics... how did you use them for triceps O&G, isometric contractions at the shortened position (eg holding contracted position of tricep kickback, that would be intense haha..) or the lengthened (OH DB ext stretch)?
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    mickc1965 training log

    Oh for sure, I imagine it would have been very difficult... good you were all together, hope you're doing okay. Ah cheers, yeah been a long saga.. relieved am finally getting somewhere. Just don't overdo that knee with leg work ay ;)
  3. S

    mickc1965 training log

    Good to see you training again mate :). Fingers crossed for your knee! I just started physio for my ankle today, no cast needed now which is a relief. Learning to walk again is tricky but getting there! Hope all you guys were okay this Christmas time, and spent some nice time with your family
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    2016 Log

    Yyyyes! Screw deads, get your BB curls up to 300kg! ;)
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    The Other Side Of The Equation

    Great to hear you're back training O&G :) Yep I definitely think this is the case too.
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    The Other Side Of The Equation

    :O That's fascinating... and I'd always wondered this. Makes sense that it's maybe because of the higher usage of legs throughout the day and them being used to being used all the time. I wonder if it's related to size of muscle at all as well? And whether it's applicable only for...
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    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Ah cool, cheers! I've always felt flat bench hit my pectorals well, but I may experiment with higher incline bench for side delts...
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    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Ah yeah fair enough, I guess I meant excessive arching because the arms can't physically extend to get the bar directly above the head hehe
  9. S

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Yeah am loving doing weighted dips at the moment too... How steep/what angle is your incline bench? Do you feel they hit the lateral delts much (I know that the front delts assist alot in overhead pressing...)? I'm considering giving them a go, my shoulder flexibility isn't great for straight...
  10. S

    _tim's Log

    Ah yep fair enough, I use Tapatalk a fair bit and has had its moments but overall it works great, but can see how maybe for logging workouts etc might be trickier. Yeah it's a great forum and I've learnt much from it. Bryan and Borge/Blade still pop in from time to time too! Sounds like a...
  11. S

    _tim's Log

    Welcome back _tim! Don't think we've met! Not too many on the forum (posting amyways) but still a couple of regulars on here, will be good to have ya round :). Program sounds really cool! So is it certain main compound exercises you're doing for sets of 3, and other stuff just reps at multiples...
  12. S

    mickc1965 training log

    Ah yikes.. fingers crossed for ya mate hope it heals up soon
  13. S

    It's Time.

    Haha ;)
  14. S

    It's Time.

    Yeah what Sci said! It's a great opportunity to continue to increase your strength and hypertrophy. Just a way of still continuing the cycle and taking advantage of using heavier weights. But when you feel like you're stalling bad, joints are sore and especially when clearly fatigued and...
  15. S

    Rolled Ankle Injury ;)

    Cheers mate! Yeh dips and chins have been going well so far. Had to look up the Z-press, cool exercise! Shoulder mobility is horrendous and still have to reduce any excess loading on the core/trunk due to the pelvic issues so won't be able to do that one, but it looks fascinating. Seated DB...
  16. S

    Rolled Ankle Injury ;)

    Finally got my ankle xrayed, ultrasound and even a ct scan haha. You were right @Jester, partially torn ligament, but also they found a fracture in the ct scan and a bone fragment! So I'm out of action for awhile, gotta get a cast put on apparently... and unsure of healing time (maybe 6...
  17. S

    mickc1965 training log

    Am also out of action due to injury (rolled ankle 11 weeks ago turned out to result in partially torn ligament and fracture too). But yesterday I managed to do chinups and dips and a few other things hehe, just had to be careful. Hope we both heal up soon!
  18. S

    mickc1965 training log

    Ah crap! Forced SDs are the worst.. rest up and hope you recover well soon mate!
  19. S

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Haha yeah I recently got back into chinups and dips, has been awhile since I'd done them and was hard/felt heavy at first! But found my groove. Them hammer pulldowns sound awesome.. I feel pretty connected with the lats and feel them a lot but that'd be cool having them fatigue out like that
  20. S

    Off-topic - Trump

    Yeah that's the thing, it's a bit of a trade off... if voting is compulsory you'll get people voting just for whoever without any clue, and not necessarily the best person for the job will get voted in. That doesn't make sense forcing everyone to vote, it's not really freedom then is it... But...