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  1. S

    Training Imbalances Vs. Shoulder Tension

    I know this is an old thread ;), but something to me doesn't make sense here... Surely if a muscle is overly tight, doing resistance training (which creates more tension) would make it worse and shorten it even more? I would think working on muscle release, trigger point work, stretching and...
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    It's Time.

    ......... all this talk of dips and chins.... has inspired me to do more dips and chins. Adding to the routine ;)
  3. S

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Actually... now that I say it out loud of course it makes sense that the muscles directly related to the activity would be far more fatigued than the whole CNS. Whoops haha. But just thought CNS would be more depressed than is shown, and I guess it depends on the activity, intensity etc
  4. S

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Hmm that's interesting.. wow 10x5 squats, that'd knock me out haha. I'm very surprised that CNS fatigue was not more than that! I thought that would be far more affected than just local muscle fatigue..
  5. S

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Yeah that's it hey. I like doing little in-between cycles of just having fun and exploring new methods. Also exploring exercises you've never done before is eyeopening. Just did BB landmine presses and DB seal rows for the first time, good fun! That's a good idea about the recording! Will be a...
  6. S

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Ah cheers for that! Yeah it's odd that the recommendation is 10/5, I would have thought 5/10 to really focus on the negative, but also as a more efficient way of getting TUL, less effort on the negative portion so to speak, but there ya go. I might give 5/5 a go, then progress to 10/5. Might...
  7. S

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Yeah enjoying hearing stories and results :). I've just been reading up on the Super Slow method now that you've mentioned it @Brixtonian, very interesting! I guess the main premise is that it really forces the load onto the muscles working so to speak, so that it minimises momentum and muscles...
  8. S

    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Ah that's really cool, would suit the field perfectly mate :)
  9. S

    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Ah shit... sucks about the job, hope the reinterview goes well and that your little man is okay! Yep a new week :)
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    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Thinking of ya bro, hope you and your family are okay
  11. S

    Rolled Ankle Injury ;)

    Ugh... ankle still isn't better, probably about the same, if not very mild improvement.. been just doing general mobility work, foot circles, and also gentle calf raises.. has been just about 5 weeks. It's not debilitating but it definitely still hurts alot at certain angles, or even if I hit...
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    Old But Still Valid

    Hahahaha... funny but true!
  13. S

    Old But Still Valid

    Ah cool I haven't seen that one before... nice. 8 sets of 8 wowza, I guess they wanted to be thorough XD, can you imagine the soreness the next day on the untrained eccentric group haha. Would be cool to then compare that with a group who did both concentric and eccentric (full reps)
  14. S

    Convince Me That 5 With 5rm Is Superior To 10 With 10rm...

    Hmmm yeah I'm also curious. But what I'm thinking is that it's not so much a step up, but it's relative to the current conditioning of the tissue. I think this is an overlooked topic at times, and often I see things compared (training styles, rep ranges etc) as to what's more stimulating, but...
  15. S

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Interesting!! I'm inclined to say the 3 day a week.... but I couldn't tell you why. Seems like nutrients would be more inclined to partition more towards rebuild and repair with the more frequent and same progression... but I couldn't say why haha. Just makes sense logically... keen to hear what...
  16. S

    I Believe That This May Be An Area That Bryan And Borge May Be Studying

    Fascinating... confuses me though when they use rats in these studies (and I don't mean from an ethical point of view). I mean, surely it would make more sense to use humans seeing as though it applies to them, and it seems safe enough, unless it's a money thing? Although I'm sure many would...
  17. S

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    ... so bizarre this contract stuff with gyms, I don't get it. I mean business-wise I get it, but just the locking people into a set unbreakable contract for a gym is so strange...
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    Rolled Ankle Injury ;)

    Yeah fair enough, will be sure to go easy on [emoji106]
  19. S

    Rolled Ankle Injury ;)

    Have been doing bodyweight calf raises, and only movements at a range of motion that doesn't cause pain. Also trying some balance exercises (just balancing on one leg) for a certain duration, fire up the stabilizers in the lower limb/ankle area