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  1. B

    Customizing HST

    It is because LS is simmilar to "hitting the muscle hard" or going heavy. So you both don't need to do it in the 15s and early 10s -- AND --don't want to do it. It would be too much for the muscle at that time and would interfear with progression. Bob
  2. B

    Customizing HST

    It is because LS is simmilar to "hitting the muscle hard" or going heavy. So you both don't need to do it in the 15s and early 10s -- AND --don't want to do it. It would be too much for the muscle at that time and would interfear with progression. Bob
  3. B

    Feel embarrised Doing the light weights on the 15s

    Yeah people have said this before here in the forum. A year from now they won't be chuckling. They will be asking you want program you are using. I have "converted" a few guys in my gym this way. Light wieght full body workout --they thought it was goofy. (though 5's and negs are not...
  4. B

    Vicious, can you check the math for me...

    O.K. I guess here is my confusion. I thought deads with an underhand grip (palms away) gives the best bis stretch or load. I have been doing these with straps. Wouldn't over under only hit one arm? The "under" arm. I guess you would have to do 2 sets. And the one atvantage is that...
  5. B

    Vicious, can you check the math for me...

    Thanks Lance,  so it is just heavy chins with straps.  and heavy deads underhanded to stretch the bis. then over under?  Is that one hand over one hand under deads? If the above is true then just the "under" hand gets the stretch. It is just a terminology issue but I want to get it...
  6. B

    Vicious, can you check the math for me...

    Thank you Jules, I gotta admit I like the pain :confused: Must be the result of a happy childhood. Give me a month to try to visualize the DC cross over pull - curl. I think I need to draw diagrams. In the mean time a simplistic question. What did you mean by chin holds and over and under...
  7. B

    Vicious, can you check the math for me...

    O.K. One follow up -- how does one do the flat bench curls???
  8. B

    Vicious, can you check the math for me...

    Ok I have been doing incline curls, and feel a stretch. I try to keep my elbows "quiet" (as in I do not let them move) to create a fulcrum -- to get a strech. But I want more!!! ( a typical lifters lament -- the pursuit of more) I will try a flat bench. I was also thinking of having...
  9. B

    Problem with the frequency

    Hey isr-rcl, well week one you can lift as much as you like. There are different ways to do it. I think they are outlined on the customizing HST thread. If you have a few years of lifting under your belt a am/pm routine 3 days a week is a very good approach. You could do this week 1. Week two...
  10. B

    No strength from HST = Cause to worry?

    My experience with HST is great strength gains and great mass gains. I think you should do 3 cycles correctly and see. Other wise we are just talking about "what other people said". And that gets a bit circular. But it is false to say one does not get SIGNIFICANT strength gains on HST...
  11. B

    Happy Birthday Firminator

    Happy Birthday Firminator Congradulations Firminator! I like seeing "midlife" guys staying with the weightlifting. An inspiration. I'm not too far behind you. Have a great day, year. Bob :D
  12. B

    Narrow Grip Bench

    You may be right. But I know my decline bench is about 20% more than my incline bench. And my scull crushers are about 15% more than my curls. So I thought some one might have a rule of thumb. Yeah we are all different. But in general some lifts relate to other lifts.
  13. B

    Narrow Grip Bench

    Hey guys -- I want to incorperate narrow grip bench in my next cycle. Having never done it with HST, what do you think my weights will be. Rather -- does the NGB weight relate to another lift like dips, scull crushers, incline etc. Thanks BOB
  14. B

    No pump during 5's

    You should do a burn set durring your 5s and negs. That is a high rep set untill you get a burn. This is for metobolic stress that aids in muscle growth. A stress that low reps just won't give you. And, by the way, you get the beloved pump. Don't do it for each lift -- rather for each muscle...
  15. B

    2 year layoff

    Bulldog, You are a spring chicken! I started with HST in my mid 40ies after a ten year layoff. It went great. Actually with the 15s, not going to your max, and SD -- I think HST is a great way to get back into lifting. Worked for me. But you are right -- your maxes will jump up on you here and...
  16. B

    Everything is growing but my arms

    It is an adjustable dumbell so I follow the HST progression. I bought it so the max weight is 60lbs, and you only need one. So it is not alot of $$ and it does not take up alot of room. I agree about the Tris from Al and Hammer's comment. You can use the DB on then too (but need alittle more...
  17. B

    Everything is growing but my arms

    my arms grow in spirts. nothing, nothing, nothing then wham they sprout. What helps me with arms is (this is nothing new to HSTers) 1. eat big 2. Do am/pm ---with arms it is easy you just need a dumbbell at home 3. do burn sets starting about mid 10s. :) Bob
  18. B

    My first HST cycle.

    Hey Captain, A question and a comment. --- How often are you planning on training? 3 days a week? 6 days a week? That would effect the answer to your question. I would substitute weighted dips or decline for your flat bench. Hit'em high and hit 'em low. The middle takes care of itself. Dips...
  19. B

    Customizing HST

    OK tried 'em and rolled over backwards. Regarding hyperextension on sit-ups. A few years back I was doing "roman chair" sit-ups. Loved the pain. But then my lower back started talking to me. Doesn't hyperextensions on sit-ups risk lower back issues? in any event I will try to...