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  1. B

    Hitting the stretch reflex as part of normal rep..

    It sounds like you have been reading Vicious's stuff. (great stuff). If you are like me you read it and then got all excited and wanted to conquer the world (or at least your local gym). But one can't do everything. You would be in there for 2 hours. So only do burns for a muscle group -- not...
  2. B

    Hitting the stretch reflex as part of normal rep..

    well burns you should start in your 5s. Simply because you are not getting enough reps in to trigger the metobolic effect and one of those growth factors (forgot which one) Loaded stretches can start mid 5s and definatly in the post 5s. It is just a way of putting extra strain on the muscle...
  3. B

    Hitting the stretch reflex as part of normal rep..

    It is my understanding that hitting the stretch reflex is a "hard core" technique to push past you limits. So you save it for you "post 5s". Doing it earlier would be overkill and kill the progression of HST. Bob
  4. B

    regarding two-a-days...

    Joe The deadlift is for your upperbody so you may want to rethink the hack squats. Lifting all that weight puts tremendous strain on your shoulders, arms, back,...that is part of the magic of deads. Use the inside/out grip and do two sets alternating the grip. Puts strain on your biceps. A...
  5. B

    regarding two-a-days...

    well the rep scheme is the HST 15, 10, 5, neg. Sets? no more than two. One works. Stick to the compound exercises. Deads, dips, squats, chins, incline bench, rows. Sure you can do a few more than that .... but make sure you gets the compounds in. The BIG 4. Make sure you do burn sets in the 5s...
  6. B

    regarding two-a-days...

    2 a days are definatly better for us "natural" guys. You should be carefull not to overtrain. The 2 a days should be less than an hour. Watch out for fatigue, getting sick,loosing strength etc (all the signs of overtraining). Also you have to eat eat eat while doing 2 a days. The...
  7. B

    How long can u stop HST during cycle?

    I sometimes do mini stopouts just to give the joints a rest in my 5s or negs. Like colby.
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    Your strength will fluxuate. If it was your last session of 15s -- no big deal. Also "clustering" says you can do exactly that --> do 10 and then 5 and call it 15. (though this is more helpful at heavier weights, part of the idea of the 15s is to get the high rep burn.) If it happens...
  9. B

    Reps, sets and microtrauma

    Unscientific answer. Well at least the way I (a lay person) understands it. There are two factors here TUT (time undertension) and increasing load. So you do more than one set to increase the time under tension. And over time you have to increase the load. You can do the same weight for more...
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    Well you want to keep volume about the same  so one way to do it is 1 set in 15s  2 sets in 10s 2 sets in 5s and Negs.  You should also do a burn set in the 5s and Negs  (high rep till it burns This is in addition to the 2 work sets)  Regarding non spotable lifts...just do a 2 or 3 rep max but...
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    OK I found the link Jules said:
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    Thanks Colby, yeah got it. But if I am going to do it in the same session which is better before or after?
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    Ok I know this has been asked b4 but I was thinking of doing some carido. (bulked enough for now) Should I do it before or after my regular lifting? I think Vicious once said that is was really really important that one does not do it before. So warm up -- lift -- then cardio. Right...
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    Merry Christmas

    Best Wishes to everybody
  15. B

    Prohormes on HST

    Some guys take more than the recomended amout. Even Double. Sure some risks go up. But with PH it is obviously lower than with AS. So you might just want to do one effective cycle. Just a thought. So not longer just more. Bob
  16. B

    Attention Leg Experts

    anything that puts a lot of pressure on my lower spine doesn't work for me. And have been advised that doing it would turn a mild problem into a bad one. So be it. Belive me I am frustrated squats, and deads are out. arrrrrrrrr. I really regret not being able to do the magic 4. Leg extensions...
  17. B

    hst has jacked my appetite, is this normal

    HST makes me hungery too. I think in an old post one of the experts said this is normal -- your body knows what it needs. I would wright more but gotta go eat. Bob
  18. B

    Attention Leg Experts

    Well I have worked calves alot (they are at 18" thank you) People say calves need higher reps because we use them all day long (walking, standing etc) Me thinks that theory is applied to thighs too (as jwbond sugests). This is "gym wisdonm" -- though it could be false. However I...
  19. B

    Prohormes on HST

    you got it! I would add another week of negs (or at least an additional heavy week) so you have two weeks heavy after "going off" This is important to try to hold on to your gains as much as possible. ;)
  20. B

    Attention Leg Experts

    My legs tend to grow well. So well, I have purposly neglected them to focus on my upper body. Sure I have done some leg exercizes for the past 4 years. But have not focused on them -- and skipped them all together some cycles. And I can't do squats anymore -- got a mild lower back issue which...