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  1. C

    Does Anyone Let The Weights Dictate The Reps?

    I forgot I posted this question. This was the gem in your reply! I tried a cycle of "letting the weights dictate the reps" and I ran out of gas about 4 weeks into it. Basically, constantly sore and not looking forward to the next day's workout. I liked it at first, but going too close to...
  2. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I developed some elbow bursitis shortly after the last update, so I needed to drop direct triceps work (so also dropped biceps). I've been running a super basic A/B HST plan for the time being: A Slant Board Back Squat Barbell Bench Lat Pull Down B Neutral Grip Row Deficit Deadlift Cable...
  3. C

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    My problem with the frequency studies (that I've seen) is that they're comparing volume-equated training plans, so my assumption is that comparing the same full-body workouts of 2x vs. 3-5x would incrementally increase (but not a true 1 to 1) with each additional weekly workout.
  4. C

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    On a somewhat related note. I re-listened to the "Sustainable Self-Development Podcast" interview with Bryan. I thought this quote was interesting: So, my logical (or illogical? hah!) question: Would a lifter following HST principles while at the same time minimizing the negative aspects of...
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    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I asked Claude if anyone is interested:
  6. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Newb question! I couldn't find a discussion on fractional weights. Does anyone do HST with 1 lb (upper) and 2.5 lb (lower) increments each workout? I'm thinking this would allow me to extend each rep range training block from 2 to 4 weeks. I've been doing 2 week blocks of: 25 reps (one mild...
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    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I used 50lbs dumbbells to try out the DB front squat, and it hits my quads well, but will get real tricky to power clean once the reps get lower and the weights get heavier, and even with the lower weight, I hit myself in the head multiple times, so I'm switching that to dumbbell deadlift...
  8. C

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Thank you @NWlifter ! "I myself am pretty positive the stimulus in general is more of a time vs load scenario, as a single rep with a 1RM will not stimulate more hypertrophy or even close to as much, as 3x12 for example." That makes sense, but I understood it more along the lines of more of a...
  9. C

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Thank you Ted Baxter (Old and Grey)! Do you think expanding your rep range higher would make a difference? Something like progressing in the 35 rep range for a while? I perused the Abbreviated Training group a little, and based on my current experience, I prefer higher frequency vs two days a...
  10. C

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    I have zero science background, so I apologize if I've completely misread this or just restating the obvious. I tend to think the simple answer (and thus most logical) is usually the correct one. Load progression appears to correlate with the hypertrophy response (Or vice versa, but "chicken...
  11. C

    Restart Hst During Cut Or After?

    Old and Grey posted a cool chart from on training age/adding muscle in a caloric deficit: The way I interpret it: Untrained folks (or after a multi-year layoff) that need to...
  12. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    After thinking about it over the weekend, I'm starting a new HST cycle on Monday. I've played around with the weights, guessing 42+ out of the previous 50 days (usually skip at least one of the days on the weekends), so I feel like I've reestablished my mental block on consistency ("this needs...
  13. C

    Restart Hst During Cut Or After?

    I didn't do the research (so assumptions here): I've been in the same boat, but never really considered dieting without lifting weights. I think lifting, at the very least, holds on to muscle during a cut, but it also keeps metabolism higher, improves general health markers, and speeds up fat...
  14. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    (feel free to ignore, lots of rambling thoughts so I can revisit/learn/apply later). NWlifter, thank you again for the comments! Still plugging along, but my weight has appeared to hit an initial plateau at 240. I'm pretty sure my belt is one notch smaller than it was when I first hit 240 a...
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    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I didn’t write it down when I talked to my doctor, but it was something like “ideal range is 40-60, and you’re at 20.”
  16. C

    2016 Log

    I may have missed this, but does this routine have a summary or name?
  17. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I had some blood work done last week. I was kind of hoping I could get on HRT for those sweet gains, but my T levels aren’t too terrible. Bottom half though. My cholesterol was a little high, but I assume that will improve over the next 6 months. Really the only troubling thing is that my...
  18. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Thank you Jester! I assumed I would need to watch the frequency/volume/total work load in a few months, because of the increased weights. I hadn’t heard the recovery aspect with regards to lower body fat percentage. Interesting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Rambling update: I wasn't prepared at work for the Covid shutdown (setting everyone up to work from home, etc), completely avoided working out, ate whenever and whatever our kids were eating (home with virtual school). Fast forward almost 2 years later to Jan 1, 2022, and I clocked in at...
  20. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I was travelling for work, so paired down the exercises, and I liked it, so sticking with a bare-bones A/B split: A: Pull/Chin ups DB Slight Incline Bench (may switch to dips) Goblet Squats B: DB Shoulder Press DB Rows Kettlebell Swings First set is a normal set, 2nd set is myo-reps style...