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  1. C

    New To Forum

    I couldn't sleep, so started rambling as an arm-chair expert chiming in: TLDR: Even with advanced lifters, I'd start with a vanilla 3xweek plan or 6xweek A/B plan. I think you'll be surprised that it works. I think the first cycle is the technically the most important because it gives you the...
  2. C

    Extended Fasting During Sd?

    I listened to Borge's interview on the "Brains and Gains" podcast and then stumbled upon the interview with Ray Cronise from the same group: I didn't follow the science (even listening to it several times), but basically, you have to eat more because...
  3. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Weight clocked in at 250 lbs this morning. "Goal" weight is a lean and mean 200 lbs. Going from memory, but the DEXA scan I did two years ago, and assuming I'm not losing muscle, would put me around 11-12% bodyfat. I ended up changing the split (again) last Wednesday as going to the gym isn't...
  4. C

    An Hst Routine For A Middle-aged Man

    And/or another thought, you might be tricep heavy on your flat bench pressing, so DB inclines might be more effective.
  5. C

    An Hst Routine For A Middle-aged Man

    There isn't really a "right" answer as a lot of it is a moving target. It's too much volume for some, and not much for others. If two chest exercises are working well, maybe three would be even better! You should know within the 1st week or so if it feels like too much. Another option would...
  6. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Jester, very similar! Main difference is that I'm standing upright and the weight stack is perpendicular to the arm I'm using. Cable is going across the body. The pin location is at the floor. They seem to hit my rear delts better than face pulls and feel more comfortable. I added those at...
  7. C

    Skerr's Training Log

    Exercise selection looks good! My only thought would be exercise order. Dips immediately after incline/flat bench doesn't sound that fun. Same with pull ups immediately after rows. Or shoulder press immediately after upright rows. Of course, your setup might be better than having them spread out...
  8. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Long ramble: I couldn't figure out how to change the title of the thread, so it's not very accurate. Better description is 6x/week A/B/C full body 1 set myo-rep inspired log. "Diet" kicked off today. I know I'll never track calories, so I'm doing one meal a day. Large part of the decision was...
  9. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I just started back with a LP HST A/B/C split plan, higher frequency, 1 work set per day. I can't believe I initially posted this back in August 2018. I had a crazy work schedule that fall and I was having multiple flights per month that left at 6am with a return flight on the red eye, so...
  10. C

    mickc1965 training log

    Incredible that you've kept such a detailed log for so long! Over the 6 years, have you had any big "Aha moments" or anything you'd do differently?
  11. C

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Not trying to troll, but if I'm following Beardsley and Brian Minor (, doing a reverse HST would work if I'm making sure to increase the workload? I just started a new HST cycle, but if I'm still lifting consistently in 6 to 8 weeks, I think...
  12. C

    The Importance Of Variety

    Some more rambling: "The volume load throughout the 12 week period was progressively increased...while maintaining the volume equated between the groups." So, yeah, they ignored increasing the weights. "Our findings suggest (a) CIVE [consistent intensity, varying exercises] is more efficient...
  13. C

    The Importance Of Variety

    Sorry, I meant to post the link to the paper, Also, the 1 RM squat test was on a Smith Machine. I could be missing it, so not sure on the workouts.
  14. C

    The Importance Of Variety

    I went ahead and pulled the study. The setup is kind of odd. Scanning through the paper, I couldn't find anything about them actually progressing the weight. Instead, they look to be only increasing the volume. Weeks 9-12, have 9 sets of squats! Basically, adding in deadlifts (surprise...
  15. C

    The Big Mistake With Hst

    Definitely not a politician! I think I'm just suffering from information overload after reading too many threads on here. Other boards have some posters claim that HST "doesn't work" - which doesn't make sense to me. So, my rambling was largely based on that. Thanks guys!
  16. C

    The Big Mistake With Hst

    Hah! Sorry for the cheesy headline, the more appropriate headline is: "The biggest mistake people make with HST." And, I'm sure this was discussed multiple times (so feel free to ignore), but I was thinking about it after revisiting the site off and on over the years (started in 2002, I...
  17. C

    Consecutive Vs Non Consecutive Days

    I’m fat and cutting, so I'm not looking at currently going crazy frequency, yet (!), but thinking down the road. Ignoring the negatives phase, has anyone tried taking a basic primary lifts HST program and cramming it into a 3 week cycle (instead of 6 weeks)? So, 6 days per week, or heck...
  18. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Dang, I went ahead and spent the money to see what the fuss is about on DEXA scans. I'm fatter than I thought! So, yeah, definitely going to do basics on the weights, but not care if I'm adding adding size. Definitely focusing on diet over the next few months. Also, my memory is evidently bad...
  19. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Thank you again Simon, Jester, and Browner. I'm thinking about locking myself into 2x week (Tuesday/Friday) as that's easier on my schedule and I'd prefer to go to the gym. With ideally adding in Sunday too. The default routine I would almost always do, and happy with (but I'm wanting to...
  20. C

    Does Anyone Let The Weights Dictate The Reps?

    Thank you Bryan! Ah, after thinking about it some more, the progression has a good chance of being off. I always have a mental block ("more is better" or "do as much today" when it should be "a little more than the previous workout") on wanting to go close to failure every time. So, with...