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  1. C

    More Support For Myo And Effective Reps

    Here's some more support in interesting study, I have not seen mentioned, with the caveat it's with untrained folks: "Our unique training protocol resulted in a superior increase in muscle growth in comparison with most other strength training studies. Our result can be converted to an...
  2. C

    Does Anyone Let The Weights Dictate The Reps?

    or, "Myo making me crazy!" I know I'm trying to over complicate it, but I'm hooked on the myo-reps concept, and would prefer to keep my workouts under 30 minutes. I've always done HST by doing 2x15, 2x10, 2x5. I wonder if I left something on the table by not doing more volume on the 5s. So, I'm...
  3. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    I appreciate the comments everyone! I jacked up my shoulder a little bit playing basketball. I did not plan on playing, but the group was short on players, so I gave in. I don't remember hurting my right knee, but it's definitely giving me trouble now. So, this experiment didn't last long...
  4. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Jester, I appreciate you commenting! You raise a good question that I hadn't really thought about. I apologize if I missed it (as it was probably already discussed a few times, on here, years ago), but: Does a beginner (or someone out of the game), diminish their results later by doing...
  5. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Jester, "I'd be interested to see what SSLP did for you?" Are you referring to before, or if I would do that now?
  6. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Skipped yesterday. I was up late for a wedding, and one of the kids had a soccer game Sunday morning. Observations from today. High rep squats, even if a low weight kill my cardio, and then the lifts after that are sucking air. So, I'm going to move that group, on high rep days to after...
  7. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Observations from only 2 workouts: I've grouped the weights too closely together. So, now low rep: around 4, medium ~15, and high around 30. 8/18 workout: ~30 minutes 45 lb OHS/back squat/front squat/row warm up. Row 95lbs x 11/5/5/5/3 Shoulder Press 95 x 10/4/4/2 Squat 185 x10/1 (gassed)...
  8. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Jester, I agree, but I have started a vanilla HST plan multiple times over the last 5 years or so. My work schedule is often hectic, so I can sometimes workout Thurs/Fri/Saturday, but then I'll be out of town (some flights leave at 6am, then return that same day at 11:45pm, etc). So, I run into...
  9. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Changed plan before I actually started: dropped to one "work" cluster/myo-rep set. Which was the correct decision, as it took longer than anticipated for me to workout that early. Also dropping direct arm movement, and step ups, for the time being. At some point, probably add in dips or lateral...
  10. C

    Clustering, Myo-rep, Varying Rep Ranges Barbell Plan

    Starting tomorrow morning! A clustering, myo-rep, basic lift barbell plan. It appears overly complicated, but it’s pretty straightforward. Same lifts every workout, but vary between heavy, medium, light rep ranges. I’m not focused on getting bigger, just need to lose fat, build work...