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  1. benben2356

    How Should I Incorporate 3s And Singles ?

    Excellent post @Lol Thanks for clearing that up for me .. Looks like I have several tempting options :) I like the idea of using my 5RM and aiming for a total rep volume goal with triples :) But also I would like to keep incrementing as much as possible beyond my 5RM. Obviously form is...
  2. benben2356

    How Should I Incorporate 3s And Singles ?

    I'm approaching the 2nd week of 5s in my HST cycle and would like to incorporate 3s and singles after the 5s phase ... When I finish the second week of 5s I plan to extend it for an extra week or so in an attempt to break new 5 rep maxes if I can ... But once I am unable to hit 5 reps I...
  3. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Friday 4th November 2017 3rd workout of the 5s phase... Workout A ... Weighted chins - 10kg plate - 5 sets of 5 Squats - 90kg - 5 sets of 6 70kg - 1 set of 15 Incline bench press - 92.5kg - 3 sets of 5 75 kg - 1 set of 12 Standing...
  4. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Strangely I'm not too bad today .... My legs and lats have a slight dull bit of soreness and I do have a bit of a headache ... But aside from that I'm not half as bad as I was expecting .... Just doing an hour of light jogging today for cardio then tomorrow it's workout A. also I'm...
  5. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks browner ... It's reassuring to know I did the right thing in taking advantage :) Wish those days would happen more often ... They seem to crop up like once or twice a month at random ....
  6. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 02 November 2016 WORKOUT B - second workout of the 5s phase Deadlift - 160kg - 1 set of 15 1 set of 10 Squat - 86kg - 6 sets of 5 1 set of 15 with 70kg Bench press - 85kg - 5 sets of 5...
  7. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Awesome advice ... Thank you LOL. I'll stick to clusters for when the true 5 rep maxes approach and aim for a total of 15 then After the scheduled 2 week mini cycle of 5s I'll probably extend them and push to beat my 5 rep maxes by continuing to up the weights each workout if I can When...
  8. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    I knew I was forgetting something lol .... The metabolic work. In that case I think I'll keep it at 3 sets of 5 with a set of 15 on the end :) When I start approaching my true 5 rep maxes would it be acceptable to just do one set of my 5 rep max and then implement reverse pyramid training...
  9. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks browner ... I'll save that for my bedtime reading tonight lol
  10. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Monday 31st October 2016 First workout of the 5s phase :) Workout A .... Weighted Chin ups - 5kg plate - 5 sets of 5 Squats - 82.5kg - 5 sets of 5 Incline bench press - 85kg - 5 sets of 5 T bar rows - 43kg - 5 sets of 5 Standing military press - 52.5 kg - 5 sets of 5 Barbell curls...
  11. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    I do have some Nike romaleo V2 heeled squatting shoes which I use occasionally .... But somehow they make me even weaker and I always revert back to my flat sole airwalks lol Feel pretty bad not using the romaleos because they were an expensive purchase ... But honestly they seem to hinder...
  12. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks LOL ... I have all weekend to rest up now so I'm sure I'll be well on the mend by Monday's workout. My leverages probably are pretty favourable for deadlifting .... I'm 6,2 with very long legs and arms so I guess that is a slight advantage. I keep trying to upload pictures here...
  13. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Today's workout Friday 28th October 2016 Last workout of the 10s phase... Workout B ... Deadlift - 180kg - 1 set of 11 reps (beautiful form and made sure I stopped well short of failure) Squats - 85kg - 3 sets of 10 Bench press - 85kg - 2 sets of 10 Neutral grip pulldown - 2 sets...
  14. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Today's workout - Wednesday 26th October I've managed to pick up a particularly nasty cold .... So last night I barely slept due to practically drowning in snot. But it's been well over a year since I last had a cold so I guess I'm overdue... But I still got through the workout despite...
  15. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Monday 24th October 2016... 2nd week of the 10s phase... Workout B... Deadlift - 165kg - 1 set of 13 1 set of 10 Squat - 78.5kg - 1 set of 12 1 set of 10 1 set of 10 1 set...
  16. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Today's workout - Friday 21st October - Halfway through the 10s phase :) Workout A Squats - 75kg - 5 sets of 10 Incline bench press - 80kg - 3 sets of 10 Lat pulldown - 3 sets of 10 Standing military press - 47.5kg - 4 sets of 10 T bar row - 42.5 kg - 4 sets of 10 Flat db press...
  17. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Today's workout ... (10s week) Wednesday 19th October 2016 Workout B ... 10s week Deadlift - 150kg - 3 sets of 10 (very easy) Flat Bench press - 75kg - 4 sets of 10 Squats - 72.5kg - 4 sets of 10 Neutral grip pulldown - 4 sets of 10 DB shoulder press - 22.5kg Dbs - 4 sets of 10 T...
  18. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks "LOL" I thought that would be the case ... To allow fatigue to dissipate. I'll make sure I stick to the prescribed reps just for good measure ... Don't wanna be wrecked before I even get to the end of the 10s. And hopefully the glycogen thing is the case with the puffier...
  19. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Today..... 1st workout of the 10s phase. Monday 17th October 2016... Workout A .... Okay so today was a morning workout and I really wasn't feeling too good - had a terrible nights sleep and my stomach felt a bit unsettled. So i was really glad it was the start of the 10s phase when the...
  20. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Today's workout ... LAST DAY OF 15s Friday 14th - Workout B Ok so here I am on the last day of 15s ... I added a nice big chocolate flapjack to my usual daily diet about an hour before my workout today along with a pint of milk as I didn't want another energy crash like Wednesday...