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  1. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    My best gains (strength-wise at least in leg presses and later in rack pulls) were during cutting when I extended cycles to 8 up to 12 weeks. Using lower increments, 3 times per week, not caring where I currently am RM-wise, stopping at 5-10 reps, most of the time long from failure. The lengthy...
  2. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    He believes heavier loads, especially those employing controlled lowering of the weight, cause the formation of new nuclei. Then a period of SD kind of undoes some of the growth, but the hard-gained nuclei are still there! dormant. So once you hit the deconditioned muscle again 9-12 days later...
  3. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    That's exactly the study I was referring to in the first post. It showed fast recovery of lost muscle after 3 week long breaks from training, the so called muscle memory.
  4. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Sure I try to, and normally do. But there are tons of routines having you increase the working loads faster than HST wants you to. If it's all about lifting heavier to get bigger, then why waste 5-6 weeks on SD plus previous loads? If all those loads do is regain muscle lost during SD. One could...
  5. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Nice. He's 27 on the last pic.
  6. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    (Just an opinion, please read it as such) SD, along with lowering muscle protection from the current loads, also causes muscle atrophy (prooflink). Then, when training is resumed later, the "unparalleled growth" is nothing more than quick regaining of the muscle lost thanks to the "muscle...
  7. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Bad Holiday feat. Mikhail Koklyaev - Stolen Dance
  8. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Dips 65kg BW + 15kg x10
  9. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    This is pure speculation. Human physiology isn't about to become "out of date".
  10. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Lol, logically speaking, once a muscle grows bigger as a result of having been put under a load it hasn't seen, so does the load required to trigger further growth. There's no way we can use the same load to make a (now) bigger muscle grow. This is the reason we can't grow our legs past a...
  11. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    I'm convinced you haven't read Bryan's papers. He mentions "perceived effort" as part of CNS training, which has to do with strength.
  12. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    This is simply your opinion, which isn't Bryan's. Everyone has their own opinion, even a guardian at the kings's gate has one. HST has nothing to do with periodization and has everything to do with gradual load progression starting with SD and minimum effective load. Where you stop and keep...
  13. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Gosh, the official HST board is so full of non-believers :) Then who needs HST if we can simply pick any decent strength training routine aimed at increasing the load on the bar.
  14. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Muscle Targeted Training? :) Doesn't matter, just as long as the load doesn't have to get any higher.
  15. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    See, I was talking about something else: the need (or lack thereof) to go as high as 2.5xBW or higher in deads etc to achieve full genetic muscular potential. It could very well be that with HST 2xBW is enough due to "tricking" the muscle into growing bigger using SD and mostly previous loads.
  16. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    That's obviously not the heavy loads I was talking about. Negatives are relative to one's current strength levels.
  17. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    That's exactly the reason I chose HST - it allows one to grow without having to get much stronger (or more specifically without entailing the risk of lifting very heavy loads) thanks to SD, or so it claims.
  18. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Do you only rest 2 minutes in other compound movements during the 5's, such as bench or chins?