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  1. HST_Rihad

    Sd Confirmed In Literature

    It's difficult to visually judge what muscle size you have, as the body has a tendency to shift its partitioning away from LBM and stuff in more fat when not resistance training, even when BW stays the same. Those guys in the study had their CSA tested specifically, and they lost almost one half...
  2. HST_Rihad

    Sd Confirmed In Literature

    I agree. Needless to say these are different reasons from the ones originally outlined by Bryan. It doesn't seem to work that way. Quick regaining of the muscle lost thanks to muscle memory was probably confused with new tissue growth. In reality the only sign that your muscles have most likely...
  3. HST_Rihad

    Sd Confirmed In Literature

    Would you (or anyone) be as strong as you were right after a 3 week long layoff with absolutely no resistance training of any kind during that time? Probably not, as depicted on the strength graph I mentioned. It would take you some time to recover it fully (much less than it once took you to...
  4. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Hey, don't laugh, I was bigger on the left and weighed much more :lol:
  5. HST_Rihad

    Sd Confirmed In Literature

    The first study was discussed here: There's indeed something intriguing in losing some of the muscle and regaining it back rapidly due to muscle memory ;) Whether it helps to spur new muscle growth better than simple occasional...
  6. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Morning BW: 60 kg (132 lb) Waist: 66 cm (26")
  7. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Morning BW: 59.6 kg (131.4 lb) Waist: 66 cm (26")
  8. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Thanks. Not sure, roughly 10-12% depending on how it gets measured.
  9. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Morning BW: 59.8kg (131.8 lb), waist: 66.4cm (26.1") Changes in bodycomp warrant more frequent photo sessions, or so I hope ;)
  10. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Thanks, @Lol, I'm still quite pumped up on them as they were taken about an hour after the gym. There's definitely a decent amount of fat to shed in my midsection. I've used a few carb-ups (refeeds) to attempt 100% fat loss and LBM retention.
  11. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    BW: 60.0kg (132.3 lb) Waist: 66.6cm (26.2")
  12. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    BW: 60.6kg (133.6 lbs) Waist: 66.9cm (26.3")
  13. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    The last one was a slight partial, so I guess I can't really equate it to the previous reps. The partial wasn't hard at all as far as RPE goes. The final bit was like RPE-11, hence I didn't make it :)
  14. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Pull-ups 61+12.5kgx7 (134.5+27.5 lbs)
  15. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

  16. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    BW: 61.0kg Waist: 68.2cm
  17. HST_Rihad

    Recovery & Return To 600

    You're assuming the 8kg you lost was all fat, which is highly unlikely. Some part of it was LBM (glycogen+water), which entails loss of energy to some degree.
  18. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    Morning BW: 61.9kg / 136.5 lbs Waist: 68.9cm / 27.13" Shots taken later in the day, after breakfast and workout.
  19. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

  20. HST_Rihad

    Rihad's log

    It all depends on being able to maintain a given leanness level. Wait for the extra base calories to assimilate, get recomped, make sure you're happy with how lean you are at the new BW, repeat. Progress in workouts (relative load/time lifted) is fairly essential to make it real.