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  1. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Sure: pages 34 through 39.
  2. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    but you will agree with one specific research pointed out by Brad Schoenfeld? :) BTW, how do I insert a username like you did? Oh, and you can assume my starting pick to be the one on the avatar. I won't get bigger by too much while attempting to maintain sufficiently lean looks in the process.
  3. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I think you're missing the main point of (very) high rep sets: accumulation of metabolic byproducts (via the glycolytic pathway), cell swelling, stimulating increased hormone concentrations - all precursors of hypertrophy. And as the body adapts to such demands, we gradually fall into more...
  4. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I was cutting until mid-August to as low as 61.4kg, then I started experimenting with the usual HST 10-5-5 stuff and overate to about 66ish kg, then around February noticing the fat gain I said enough, and having devised the 10-9-8-7-6-5 progression started experimenting with it while slowly...
  5. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I know, it's a useful program for getting stronger. It takes the guesswork out and insists on up to 6 sets per exercise, IIRC, not the awkward 1-2 sets. Having said that, I'm still taking the one-set approach to its extreme. It all started with 10-9-8-7-6-5 done in two week cycles, and I'll now...
  6. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    All muscle gaining techniques in vogue today indeed center around getting stronger. I have nothing against that, a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle. But like I said, gaining strength with your 30RM done until failure is also muscle growth of equal value at the expense of less strength gained...
  7. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I've been cutting. Gains is a relative term. Sometimes losing unwanted fat is gaining.
  8. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    This wasn't my point. The previous loads used with the same 1-2 sets per exercise were. If you work with the same loads, volume has to increase for them to be more effective. SD can't work around this. You either kept increasing the volume with the same loads used, or you were on drugs :)
  9. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I think you're insane too, because you're following someone else's cooked & served training+nutrition advice, and not training how you like and eat what you please.
  10. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    You aren't thinking I'm trying to deny the progressive overload principle, are you? You do get stronger as your muscles get bigger, it's quite natural, one bigger untrained person can curl more weight than another smaller sized untrained person. The question is what loads are enough for...
  11. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Maybe it's because they don't know of any other (natural) way? Aren't we confusing causation with correlation here?
  12. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Powerlifting's goal is to lift heavier loads. Bodybulding's goal is to have bigger, defined, sufficiently lean muscles. These concepts are interrelated, but can both be achieved in different proportions. These two groups lifted for 8 weeks, one with 30RM loads, the other with 10RM loads 3 times...
  13. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Absolutely essential. Only the load range it is sufficient in is still open to debate. Getting stronger in your 20-30RM is also progressive overload.
  14. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    In 3 hours 15 minutes (done every 5 minutes). I'm not sure why :)
  15. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    See Blade's 4-7 day per week setup, utilizing low rep strengh days, moderate rep volume BB-days, and higher rep myo-rep days. I know that up to 1000 pushups don't quite fit in, but I also did a seated-rows...
  16. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    More like a "several months" off attempt! I did the myo-repped incline pushups from Dec'13 until Mar'14 until I finally reached 1000.
  17. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    It's hardly backwards to reach & maintain lean looks the entire time. It may be backwards for people interested in absolute strength gains, but generally it isn't. Research hasn't specifically confirmed that SD is anything other than losing & recovering the lost muscle with the previous loads...
  18. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Progress in training is what recomposes your body to shift more of the incoming calories into lean mass rather than fat mass. There's nothing more to it and our bodyweight is a function of how much we eat. It makes no sense to pre-eat anything to add any unwanted weight, a more proper way would...
  19. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Meaning? This is still 7-rep loads, I have 6 & 5 rep to go. Dips are definitely new (35kgx5), so are deads (145x5), so are standing BB presses (45x10), this generally relates to every exercise that builds up enough reps in initial lighter workouts that later spills over to heavier loads with...
  20. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    It's actually going quite well, even despite the mild caloric deficit now. Today I did 72kgx7 incline BP, 130kgx7 deads, 95kgx7 parallel squats, 30kgx7 dips, etc. The spread in repetitions would just be another way of doing the progression. I'm planning to start the mentioned 30 rep progression...