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  1. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Then the priority is the good old "lift heavier to get bigger", not the "previous loads will make you grow again" crap some of us bought into.
  2. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Then the "previous loads" concept in HST is nothing but a cruel joke...
  3. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I'm going to be using 5% increments counting back from my intended 5RM loads in this fashion: Workout 1: 75% of 5RM for 10 reps (calculators claim 14) Workout 2: 80% of 5RM for 9 reps (calculators claim 12) Workout 3: 85% of 5RM for 8 reps (calculators claim 10) Workout 4: 90% of 5RM for 7 reps...
  4. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    It's also unsupported in practice. Lower loads can be used for their metabolic stress and accumulation of fatigue provided higher rep sets & sufficient number of sets are being used, not for the "SD+more sensitivity to previous loads" reason Bryan has put forth.
  5. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Is there ever a way to avoid gaining both? Researches/graphs I've come across suggest mutual gains of CSA/strength. Slow recomp can still occur even when eating at maintenance, provided that you're able to progress your training in terms of load/volume. The guy I mentioned in the opening post...
  6. HST_Rihad

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I guess because higher rep glycolytic work stimulates glycogen+water super-compensation. More fiber isn't enough to cause 100% filled sarcoplasm, but what specific value 100% is always depends on fiber size.
  7. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    What I said was solely my opinion based on my own experience. As for you, I'm happy not to be as "successfully fat" as you are on the avatar. Form matters. Simply lifting for strength without caring how you look on a day to day basis is a losing proposition.
  8. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Were you doing higher rep metabolic work during your HST cycles every workout? That would explain bigger sizes. Did you lose in size in other areas? Was the exercise selection the same? Maybe you didn't hit your arms as hard or as frequently.
  9. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    I beg to disagree that you grew better with HST. You were simply recovering the size lost during the cut. HST shines in recovering lost size. And you grew new muscle much better with DUP - that would be an undiplomatic but still an on spot way of describing things.
  10. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Knowing his weight and height, a more trivial approach of detecting juiced up athletes would be:
  11. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Sorry, I wasn't sure you were natural and had some reservations, but now I have all the facts up front :) Nice job!
  12. HST_Rihad

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    Hi, did you use any kind of a low-carb diet to reach the leanness level on the avatar?
  13. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Then indeed very impressive. Such a BW at the given height doesn't suggest steroid use. Found the thread:
  14. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    It would be interesting to know golfnut's body weight and height on the avatar.
  15. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    You're kidding me... at his bf%, the avatar represents the pinnacle of naturally achievable size and form. If he isn't natural, well, then his mode of training and nutrition isn't that important, he could even grow this big using vanilla HST SD+progression principles. This line pretty much...
  16. HST_Rihad

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Great progress! Great pic! Good job humiliating the guys who have been strictly following HST principles.
  17. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Of course not, apart from SD, you'd be hard pressed to break the remaining rules in any kind of training (and I'd mention that some naturals grew the muscle using HIT approach of training each body part once per week or even less frequently). What I meant was that Totentanz extended 5's for as...
  18. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    Since we are all now in the area of guesstimation, I'd say the less atrophy is experienced over a time period, the more shallow the subsequent recovery curve. No magic here.
  19. HST_Rihad

    Rethinking Hst

    I'd say extend 5's for as long as you're progressing. Strength gains are much more important than SD+weeks of submaximal progression. I'm thinking of doing 2 week long micro-cycles, newer 5RM being the 6th workout's target, and ramp up there using 10lb/5kg steps regardless of the final 5RM load.