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  1. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 28th December 2016 Cycle 2 15s phase - week 2 Workout A Deadlift - 160kg - 1 x 15 Bench press - 77.5kg - 2 x 16 (new PR) Squat - 72.5 kg - 3 x 15 Lat pulldown - 2 x 15 DB shoulder press - 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 16 - 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 15...
  2. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Tuesday 27th dec 2016 15s phase - Week 2 Okay so today was an early morning workout so as usual i felt like pure garbage and had very little energy .. But I still got all the necessary work done ... Workout B... Chin ups - Bodyweight - 1 x 15 -...
  3. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Friday 23rd December 2016 Cycle 2 15s phase week 1 Workout A ... Chin ups - bodyweight - 1 x 15 Deadlift - 147.5 kg - 2 x 15 Bench press - 72.5kg - 1 x 17 - 72.5kg - 1 x 16 Squat - 67.5 kg - 2 x 15 Lat pull down - 2 x 15 DB shoulder press - 20kg DBs - 3...
  4. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 21st December 2016 Cycle 2 - week 1 - 15s phase Workout B ... Chin ups - Bodyweight - 1 x 15 - 1 x 9 Squat - 65 kg - 3 x 20 Military press - 42.5 kg - 1 x 17 - 42.5 kg - 1 x 16 - 42.5 kg - 1 x 16...
  5. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Yeah perhaps I did go a little over the top on my first session after SD lol I can't wait to pick up where I left off when I get to the 5s phase ... I seriously think squatting 3 times a week did me the world of good on that last cycle. Up until then I'd never squatted more than twice a...
  6. benben2356

    T Nation Article

    Great article ... I've always stayed at around maintenance and only upped calories by very small amounts each time gains stop and I feel in not recovering. I do tend to gain strength better in a big surplus as I found recently in my first HST cycle - also the extra energy allows me to do...
  7. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    HST Cycle 2 ... Today I started my second HST Cycle. The first cycle was a huge success for me and lasted for 10 weeks in total. On the 11th week I went into SD for 9 days. I could have probably extended my last cycle a bit longer as I was making brilliant gains but I had to go out of...
  8. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Glad it's not just me then @mickc1965 Lol
  9. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Day 7 of Strategic Deconditioning ... This week has been really tough to get through. Can't wait to get back in the gym on Monday. It'll be 9 days in total come Monday so I hope that's adequate for the SD phase ... (Any longer would kill me lol) My weight has dropped by a couple of pounds...
  10. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Friday 9th December 2016 Post 5s phase - end of week 10 ... Deadlift - 200kg - 1 x 6 (New PR) Squat - 115kg - 1 x 5 (New 5rm PR) - 115kg - 1 x 5 - 110kg - 1 x 6 (New PR) - 110kg - 1 x 5 - 110kg - 1 x 5 - 100kg - 1 x 8...
  11. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks @Browner ... I'm really surprising myself at this point. I'm tempted to push the squat further ... But it's always been a weak lift for me. At the moment I'm managing to keep perfect form but I know from the past if I try and get too greedy with the weight increases my form...
  12. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 7th December 2016 Week 10 - Post 5s phase Deadlift - 195kg - 1 x 8 (New PR) 195kg - 1 x 5 195kg - 1 x 5 Squat - 110kg - 1 x 5 (matched PR) 110kg - 1 x 5 110kg - 1 x 5 100kg - 1 x 8 (New 8 rep PR)...
  13. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Monday 5th December 2016 Week 10 - Post 5s phase Weighted chins - 20kg plate - 1 x 5 - 20kg plate - 1 x 5 - 20kg plate - 1 x 4 - 20kg plate - 1 x 4 - 15 kg plate - 1 x 5...
  14. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Friday 2nd December 2016 Post 5s phase - Week 9 Deadlift ( singles ) - 210kg - 1x1 - 210kg - 1x1 - 210kg - 1x1 - 200 kg -1x1 - 200kg - 1x1 Squat - 105kg - 1 x 7 (Matched...
  15. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 30th November 2016 Post 5s phase - week 9 Deadlift - 195kg - 3 sets of 5 Bench press - 100kg - 1 set of 7 (new PR) - 100kg - 1 set of 6 - 105kg - 1 set of 3 - 100 kg - 1 set of 5 - 90kg...
  16. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks @Browner and @Jester ... Glad I don't have to worry about the length of my sessions then ...
  17. benben2356

    Pantadeas - Hst

    Yeah the last 5s phase ... (4s in your case) Really sneaks up on you ... I found the 15s and 10s were a breeze... Then on the second week of 5s things really started getting tough ... However if you keep pushing hard and manipulate the volume a little you'll find yourself hitting PRs in...
  18. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Monday 28th November 2016 Post 5s phase - week 9 Deadlift - 195 kg - 1 set of 6 195 kg - 1 set of 5 195 kg - 1 set of 4 200kg - 1 set of 1 205kg - 1 set of 1 205kg - 1 set of 1 Squats - 105kg - 1...
  19. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Yeah the time isn't a problem for me ... I was just worried about Broscience claims like testosterone levels dropping and cortisol rising after 45 minutes lol And yes after my 4 sets of 5 I followed with 3 sets of 8 , 10 , and 10 - pyramided down :) I sometimes drop the down sets...
  20. benben2356

    Universal Animal Supps

    Anyone here use Animal supplements with good results ? I've been using wellman skin tech multivitamins for the past few years and good old creatine monohydrate - along with a very good diet. But the more reviews I read on Animal supps the more I'm getting tempted to try their stuff...