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  1. benben2356

    Browners Log

    I was tempted to try candidos program ... Can't believe such a tiny dude can be so strong, but his 6 week program looks solid. I'm gonna stick with HST for a few cycles and see where it takes me ... But definately going to cut out all the assistance stuff and just base my next cycles around...
  2. benben2356

    Browners Log

    Some very impressive lifts mate (just glossing over your workouts and being nosey) Hope I can reach that kind of strength over the next couple of years
  3. benben2356

    Pantadeas - Hst

    Good luck with your first HST cycle .... Looks like a good selection of exercises , although you do have quite a lot to get through in each workout. I'd probably limit it to 6 or 7 exercises per session... It's fine early on ... But once you start pushing hard in the 4s and post 4s...
  4. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Friday 25th November 2016 Post 5s phase - week 8 Weighted Chins - 15kg plate - 6 sets of 5 - Bodyweight - 1 set of 10 - Bodyweight - 1 set of 8 Squat - 105kg - 4 sets of 5 - 90kg - 1 set of 8 - 80 kg -...
  5. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Strength is definately my number 1 priority at the moment ... But thats mainly because I've come to learn that more strength equals more hypertrophy potential ... Personally speaking In my case anyway. I spent way too many years spinning my wheels on bodybuilding parameters and didn't...
  6. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks guys ... I'm definately going to drag it out as long as I can ... My only concern is that I'm starting to feel really beat up and tired all the time ... And my lower back is feeling pretty frazzled. That's why I was going to drop to triples next week with my 5rm and that'll...
  7. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 23rd November 2016 Post 5s phase - week 8 Workout - B Deadlift - 195kg - 1 set of 6 Squat - 105kg - 2 sets of 5 (PB) Bench press - 100kg - 1 set of 6 (PB) Lat pull downs - 2 sets of 8 Dips - 1 set of 20 T bar row - 57.5 kg - 2 sets of 5 50kg - 1...
  8. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Tuesday 22nd November 2016 Today was supposed to be a rest day but I was bored, so I wondered down to the gym just to do a couple of extra sets on the standing military press ..... (Didn't get much volume on them yesterday) To my surprise I scored some massive PRs First set with my 5Rm -...
  9. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Monday 21st November 2016 Week 2 of Post 5s phase ... (Continuing 5rms) Workout A Weighted Chins - 15kg plate - 1 set of 6 15kg plate - 1 set of 5 15kg plate - 1 set of 5 Bodyweight - 1 set of...
  10. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Just a quick comparison piccy ... Hopefully it's uploaded ok. Pic on the left is 2 weeks before I started HST Pic on the right was last night ... My weight is up to just under 86kg from 84kg .... I've definitely gained some fat around the waist as my trousers are all feeling a lot tighter...
  11. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thursday 17th November 2016 Post 5s phase - 2nd workout (repeating 5rms) Workout B ... Deadlift - 190kg - 1 set of 8 190kg - 1 set of 5 Squat - 102.5kg - 1 set of 6 102.5kg - 1 set of 5 90kg - 1 set of 8 90kg - 1 set of 8...
  12. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Tuesday 15th November 2016 Post 5s phase ... 1st session (repeating 5rms) Workout A ... Deadlift - 190kg - 1 set of 8 reps Squats - 102.5 kg - 4 sets of 5 90kg - 1 set of 8 80kg - 1 set of 10 70kg - 1 set of 15 Incline bench press...
  13. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Friday 11th November 2016 Last workout of 5s phase Workout B ... Deadlift - 190kg - 1 set of 6 Squat - 102.5kg - failed to lift it Bench press - 100kg - 2 sets of 6 95 kg - 1 set of 6 90kg - 1 set of 8 Lat Pulldown - 2 sets of...
  14. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    You read my mind @mickc1965 .... I still have early shifts next week but I do have Tuesday and Thursday off. So my plan is .... I'll get up and hit the gym this Friday as planned and give it my best shot (it's worth trying because sometimes I can have good workouts in the mornings)...
  15. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Wednesday 9th November 2016 5th workout of 5s phase Workout A .... Weighted chin ups - 15kg plate - 2 sets of 5 - bodyweight - 1 set of 8 Squat - 98.5kg - 3 sets of 5 Incline bench press - 100kg - 2 sets of 5 - 90kg - 1 set...
  16. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    @mickc1965 I definately kept good form for all the sets on each lift ... but the rep speed slowed down a lot after the first 3 sets... Also I was alternating two lifts at a time with about 3-5 minutes between sets .... So I did take a lot of rest between sets to get it done. If it were...
  17. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    So it's fairly safe to say that anything beyond 2-3 sets in the later stages of the 5s is wasted effort ... And strain on the CNS
  18. benben2356

    How Should I Incorporate 3s And Singles ?

    That sounds ideal and pretty good fun ... I think I will use this approach for the very end of the cycle after my 5s , and 3s just to extend it as far as I can
  19. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Thanks @mickc1965 ... I will definately be doing that. I guess I thought the heavy sets were the most important so put all my effort into them ... But with the upcoming heavy workouts I will definately need to back off a bit and just hit 2 sets of 5 ...
  20. benben2356

    My Hst Log

    Monday 7th November 2016 4th workout of the 5s phase.... Workout B .... Deadlift - 175kg - 1 set of 10 1 set of 8 1 set of 5 Squat - 95kg - 4 sets of 5 Bench press - 92.5kg - 5 sets of 5 T bar row - 51kg - 4 sets of 5 DB...