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  1. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Good question. I'm hoping Ron has some input here as surely someone has like, tried to measure different EMG patterns in the prime movers of an exercise as one approaches failure. That's not a perfect proxy, but it would give us some insight, I think. On a literal level, I feel like the...
  2. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    This is a good point. The answer is I'm not sure, and my thinking on this has even changed a bit. As per that Menno video in my first post, in the context of something like Kaatsu, occluding the bloodflow of your quads in something like a squat ramps up metabolic activity and makes the muscle...
  3. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    A little more on this topic if people want to do some reading. This article is pretty good, and makes the case of the emerging research on not to failure vs. failure, though does note that there is some conflicting...
  4. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    As per my reply to Ron, this is coming from a combination of why these submaximal sets are probably working in the first place (full recruitment + at least some fatigue) and then actually looking at the research, too. One of the studies I had in mind was fixed 10's at 60% 1 RM, which would...
  5. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Well, per Beardsley logic it certainly would be full recruitment, as in theory the last ~5 reps of any set to failure at > 5 reps should be at maximum recruitment. For clarification, bear in mind the formula we're working off of here is Reps in Reserve = 10 - RPE. So an RPE of ~6 means only...
  6. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    As some concluding thoughts for this thread, I think the idea that I'm still after is something tantamount to "hypertrophy-specific training," i.e. Bryan's original train of thought in coming up with his training principles and program template. The idea, of course, being that, if we're...
  7. M

    Barry Merriman - A Discussion Of Volume, Hypertrophy, And The Internet Of Yesteryear

    Yah, I suppose there isn't too much to expand on this, I more just wanted to share. It's fun finding these sorts of unique routines that have been lost over time, and I always thought of Barry's routine as an example of the whole HIT vs. higher volume debate.
  8. M

    Hypertrophy And Effective Reps - Incomplete Model?

    Super smart dude Greg Nuckols made a post over at exodus barbell on the topic of hypertrophy models and effective reps that I thought was worth considering: In my previous hypertrophy thread, we discussed the concept of...
  9. M

    Barry Merriman - A Discussion Of Volume, Hypertrophy, And The Internet Of Yesteryear

    I've wanted to post this information somewhere for a while, but never really found a good opportunity to do so. In order to explain myself, it's necessary to take a brief travel back in time, to the internet in its infancy, the late 90's/early 2000's scene. I'm not sure how many people will...
  10. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Just a quick thought on the ideas contained in this thread, particularly the idea of chasing overload in the form of adding weight to the bar. I think the contention that the ability to add weight or reps to the bar being a function of having already achieved progressive overload is probably...
  11. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    In a way I feel like this is pretty close to how I conceived hypertrophy based on interactions with Bryan, Borge, you etc. over the years. I.e. accumulated tension-time (implicitly at full recruitment/rate coding) "strains" stuff at the level of the fiber, which in turn kicks off hypertrophy...
  12. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Hey O&G, good to hear from you! Staley is a good dude and I've always liked that he practices what he preaches and seems willing to incorporate new information. He seems a lot more flexible in his thinking than a lot of the other guru types you see floating articles around t-mag. Out of...
  13. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    I'm reminded of a t-mag article (of all things) I once read about different training strategies and the person's observations about their merits over time. He said something to the effect of higher frequency training seems to probably work better, but you have to be more cautious in your...
  14. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    I see what you're saying. It just seems like, counter to both our thoughts, you really can just kind of tally up a weekly total volume and that is extremely predictive of the hypertrophic outcome, regardless of how it's divvied up. In reading Eric's argument I was sort of immediately reminded...
  15. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Just saw an interview with Eric Helms, who seems like a fan of higher frequency ala Menno, and his counterpoint to our argument about enough acute stimulus is that he sees no evidence that there is such a minimum threshold. His support for this is that in research analyzing frequency, there has...
  16. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Yep, I've actually made that argument myself here I think...15+ years ago? Jesus I'm old :( Basically that I could see a rationale for bro training with each week off between direct work on a muscle group as a sort of mini-SD, resensitizing us to a growth stimulus, and then the higher volume...
  17. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Indeed, they seem to have a pretty good grasp of the research. The frequency piece is interesting. Here's Menno's argument on that: I think the commonality here is that most of these people (Schoenfeld, Krieger...
  18. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Hey Ron, I thought you might be interested in this post on the exodus board, in turn copy/pasting something Austin Baraki of Barbell Medicine has written on the topics of anabolic sensitivity (getting to our anabolic resistance concept), volume as the main driver of hypertrophy and the role of...
  19. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Also, holy shit at this reference. I remember Vince! He had routines designed around inducing DOMS, basically whatever continued to induce DOMS = continued to induce growth. As an aside, I've wondered if the damage part of hypertrophy gets screwed up based on the timeframes of most research...
  20. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Kind of what I was getting at with the Dante Trudell reference. Brian Minor said the same thing, load goes up because of a combination of 1) keeping things practical (who the hell is going to keep increasing reps past 20 in something like squats where you'll constantly want to die) and 2) the...