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  1. M

    Strength-specific training discussion

    Shameless plug to get people to contribute to a discussion of SST in the strength forum.
  2. M

    My SST candidate

    I'll also try to illustrate this using the thrice a week format following a max effort squat movement (same logic for the bench max effort movement as well as assistance stuff, though rep ranges on assistance stuff probably wouldn't be 5s): Monday: Squats 2-3 sets of 220 x 5 Wednesday: Squats...
  3. M

    My SST candidate

    One thought is that instead of 2 week blocks for the twice-a-week format, 3 week blocks using somewhat smaller increments might work better for some. Also, a simpler way of handling accessory stuff (i.e. everything but the max effort lifts) might be to simply go a bit easy on it the first week...
  4. M

    My SST candidate

    SST 2 week cycles of 5s in squat/deadlift and bench Max Effort movements, establishing new 5 RM's in the ME movements at the end of each 2 week block. Assistance/accessory/core work is also potentially cycled, usually at higher rep ranges. Option to stick to competition lifts or vary ME lifts...
  5. M

    My SST candidate

    Alright, this is going to take a little bit of explaining. Probably a lot more after people look it over (it's not the smallest thing I've ever written). My basic idea was to come up with a strength-specific training routine based on general principles of the subject. Here's a few of them: *...
  6. M

    Ideas on SST

    So, I got bored/inspired and decided to make a stab at what SST might be based on my year of strength training. I was hoping the regulars could chip in their $.02, and I'm going to link the thread below: Link to SST candidate/discussion. Note, I'm advertising here simply because the strength...
  7. M


    Happy birthday, Aaron - celebrate by lifting something heavy and having some pizza + beer, true powerlifter stylez.
  8. M

    Exercises to avoid

    Gonna have to disagree with box squats being particularly more dangerous than other variations of squats. I think most powerlifters would tend to agree with me, too :P
  9. M

    IEMG max motor-unit activation

    dangit, Dan, I hate when you point out that I'm incapable of basic reading comprehension! :P
  10. M

    IEMG max motor-unit activation

    Example: triceps pressdown come ahead of dips and close grip bench for triceps using this logic. Ask yourself if you really believe that. Also, rows come ahead of pulldowns/chins for lats and leg curls come way ahead of stiff-legs for hamstrings. But I'd take a weighted chin for lat...
  11. M

    IEMG max motor-unit activation

    It can be useful but MRI would be a much better standard. The amount of activation in a particular muscle group, in and of itself, doesn't necessarily indicate that said exercise is the most productive in terms of hypertrophy. In general, exercises with a greater stretch/eccentric component...
  12. M

    The Weight Trainer - Casey Butt

    Hell, I don't care if people know it. It's probably private cause I'm too lazy to change it. if it's a small file if it's big (bigger than a meg or two, whatever hotmail's limit is)
  13. M

    The Weight Trainer - Casey Butt

    Me three - I liked his stuff in Hardgainer.
  14. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    Also, this board is horrific for trying to edit posts, so there's some errors in the above post, but hopefully it's legible. lol In all honesty, if you have a chance, look to enroll in college-level courses on the subject. Masters level would be preferrable if you want to go deeply into...
  15. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    There are literally thousands of peer reviewed cases of evolution. A search on pubmed yields approximately > 150,000 peer reviewed abstracts pertaining to the subject. First, let's make sure we understand what evolution is: Biological evolution: A process of varying allele frequencies among...
  16. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    Definitely not. Religious intolerance in any form ain't cool in my book. But, last time I checked, most scientists are still theists of some sort, so I don't see why that'd be an issue. The problem arises when religious people start claiming that science supports a position of a 6000 year old...
  17. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    It's an important point I wish more theists realized. I'm not religious myself, but I hate to see the religious turned off by good science due to other religious individuals painting a distorted picture of that science. Science should be a subject everybody can enjoy. It shouldn't infringe on...
  18. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    Well, I'd just suggest being honest about it - it's faith first, science second. And the latter, imho, is a rationalization - you are, in effect, suggesting that most of the world's biologists hold a "preposterous" theory, despite 150 years of peer reviewed evidence on the subject and...
  19. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    Evolution has nothing to do with existence of deities, nor does any science at all. Metaphysical abstractions are firmly outside of the boundaries of scientific inquiry - science CAN'T make a statement on "creators" at all. Evolutionary theory pertains to the past and present...
  20. M

    Dual Factor hypertrophy training?

    Well, the problem with evolution specifically is that rejection of evolution is almost entirely religiously motivated. When 99% of the opposition to a scientific theorum (with that opposition itself representing approximately %.015-.010 of scientists in relevent fields according to GALLUP...