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  1. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Cant walk after the 3rd set. I do them as individual sets. They are, however, Rihad-presses as Ive had miniskus problems and they do help! I can now run again. Not really sure how to tackle/set up legs in the future. This is the best I can do now and TBH I feel like Im getting stronger in my...
  2. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Chins: bw+5kgx13+11+5 Pendlay: 55kgx12+12+6 BTN: 55kgx12+12+5 CG: 70kgx12+12 Legpress: 360lbx30+20+20 Calf: 360lbx12+11 Cable flies: 65x12 59kgx15+15+10 Leg curlx12+12 Abs. Delt raises.
  3. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Chins: bw+5kgx12+10+6 Pendlays: 55kgx12+12+6 BTN: 50kgx12+12 CG: 65kgx12+12 Legpress: 340lbx30+20+20 Calf: 340lbx12+10 Cable flies: 59kgx12+12+12 Abs, legcurls, obliques.
  4. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Did a 5km cross country run today.
  5. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Chins: bwx16+8+8 Pendlays: 50kgx12+12 BTN: 45kgx12+13 CG: 65kgx12+13 Legpress: 320lbx30+20+20 Calf: 320lbx12+12 Cable flies were done instead of BP. BP hurt my shoulder on monday so skipping them a couple of weeks.
  6. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    1st session after SD Chins: bwx12+12 BP: 70kgx12+12 CG: 60kgx12+12 BTN: 40kgx12+12 Partial legpress: 300lbx30+20 Calfpress: 300lbx12+10 I will more than likely work BOR or pendlays back into my workout as my back is feeling better. My shoulder is still niggling slightly so rehabbingbit everyday.
  7. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Yes and during the 5's: push press. I did however reduce the weight and do striicter but could still feel it niggling away. Therefore total break from OHP. I have now decided to SD. Been a decent cycle strength-wise, new PRs in a couple of exercises and equalling in others. Need to let my AC...
  8. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Im doing uprights now due to OHP hurting lower back. I strained lower back during heavy deads a whiöe back so Im just letting my back rest. The uprights are just metabolic sets for my ego really. My back is better now so Ill continue with BTN after my SD. Thr AC problems are new. Think Im going...
  9. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Not sure if my body can handle it. My AC joint is killing me this morning. If its like this after weekend Im skipping heavy BP/SDing.
  10. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    My knees are giving me serious problems. Been advisef by my naprapat to only do partials for the time being, as well as reducing load/do higher reps. Im just gollowing the advice and it does seem to be helping.
  11. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    BP: 125kgx2(PR)+2+1+1+1 CG: 105kgx5(PR)+1+1+1 Pullups: bwx14+10+7 Legpress: 280lbx61+50 Then uprights, abs, obliques and calves. Really pleased with the PRs. Feels like ages since I beat one. Felt like my elbows were going to snap in the last reps.
  12. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Thanks mate. Just trying to push it as much as before I take an SD. Going for 125kg doubles today.
  13. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    BP: 120kgx2,2,2,2,2 CG: 100kgx5+5 Chins: bw+35x5+4myoreps Horiz row: bwx14 Partial legpress: 280lbx50+40+10 Then uprights, abs and obliques.
  14. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Chins: bw+40kgx5 bw pullsx10 BP: 115kgx4+1 80kgx14 CG: 100khx4+4 60kgx13 Partial legpress: 260lbx60+60 Then uprights, abs, obliques, cable flies, biceps. This was a fasted workout. BW=83.5kg
  15. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Chins: bw+35kgx5+(5myoreps) BP: 110kgx6+(4) CG: 95kgx5+(4) Legpress partials: 240lbx64 Uprights, chest and biceps. Ab-work.
  16. gbglifter

    Weights, cardio and stuff log

    Well done on those deads! Crazy lifting there.
  17. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    I do first one set of crunches to failure then pelvic lifts to failure then ab pulldowns in the cable machine followed by as long as I can plank which is usually 2mins after the previous sets.
  18. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Chins: 32,5kgx5+5 myoreps BP: 105kgx7+5+3 CG: 90kgx6+5+3 BTN: 40kgx16+13 strict Then metabolic rows amd chest. With moderate ab-work to round it off.
  19. gbglifter

    Cutting with HST

  20. gbglifter

    Cutting with HST

    Id say, unless there's no hormonal imbalance etc(bloodwork results pending?), that you're consuming more calories than you think.