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  1. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    BW=84kg Chins: bw+30kgx5+1+1+1+1+1 myoreps. BP: 100kgx8+8+6 CG: 85kgx6+5 BTN: 40kgx15+13 strict Horiz rows: 14+9 Then some metabolic stuff, careful hyperextensions and some serious ab-work.
  2. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Yesterday: Chins: bw+25kgx8+4+4 BP: 85kgx7+5 3sec pause. Then 8xnormal reps CGBP: 80kgx8+6+5 Horizontal rows: bwx13 Then some vertical rows and loads of ab-work: plank, pelvic lifts, crunches and ab pulldowns. Doms in abs today properly.
  3. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Thanks for the advice. Ive been doing stack loaded presses now for the same reason you mentioned. He wants me to do partials for those fpr the time being. Ive been skipping bent over rows/pendlays due to them straining area of concern. Ive been doing bw horizontal rows instead and they feel...
  4. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Was at naprapat yesterday and he seems to think I have a build up in my left hip. Much less mobility. Re my back: he just thought the muscles needed a bit of help to loosen up. Ive to stop stretching groins and hips. I need to work abs even more due to me being stronger in the rear. Also, squats...
  5. gbglifter

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

  6. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    Front squat: 70kgx8+7+6 Standing calf BB: 110kgx15+12+10 Legpress: 240lgx18+18 Legext rehab for knees Ab/cable pulldown.
  7. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    It is slightly pushy TBH,but not too much. I place pinkies on the "guides" on the bar so its fairly narrow.
  8. gbglifter

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Im at your height roughly. I got down to 174lb recently. Visible abs are the shit but not filling out shirts and jeans isnt. Once I put back om ca 7 or 8 lbs it was much better: still visible abs, fuller muscles all round with vascularity. Much fitter now at 180-185 than 200+. I wont be going...
  9. gbglifter

    Gained Only Fat : What Went Wrong?

    Was it 18? I thought 12. A bit longer than I thought, but not much.
  10. gbglifter

    Gained Only Fat : What Went Wrong?

    I was under the impression advanced had more to do with how long one had trained regularly than strength levels. Edit: I am not extremely strong but I can deadlift bwx2.5, almost dip my own body weight and bench my bwx1.5. I lift over 1000lbs for the big three. Ive lifted regularly(3-6 per...
  11. gbglifter

    Gained Only Fat : What Went Wrong?

    There is apparently evidence that suggests that protein synthesis is only increased for 12 hours in advanced lifters. Probably not an issue here but good to know for others reading this post.
  12. gbglifter

    Cutting with HST

    Charr: i understand re pics. Im exhibitionistic so I dont mind myself :) If you read my log you'll see what I do. The latest two logs are prerty much standard protocol workouts whilst bulking. Ask if youre womdering about anything.
  13. gbglifter

    Needing Some Expert Criticism

    Comsider close grip bench foe tris instead of skulls. Easier to maintain form when you go heavy. Also: dont throw in legs. Add them as a proper part of your routine. As totz said: start with squats then SLDL or legpress.
  14. gbglifter

    Best Ab Exercise

    I rotate kneeling pull downs in the cable machine with good old fashioned planks. The pull downs work far better than anything else IMO for building volume in that area. I have doms in my abs constantly.
  15. gbglifter

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    More importantly (IMO) congratulations on the 10-pointer!
  16. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    84kg Chins: bw+20kgx8+6+4 BP: 80kgx8+5 3sec. Then 80kgx10 normal reps. BTN: 70kgx10+7+7 CG: 75kgx10+8+7 Horiz rowsx11+9 Did some meta work for pecs, biceps and lats/upper back. I over ate last week. Should be closer to 83kg at this stage of the bulk so Ill cut back a bit so Im at 83ish next...
  17. gbglifter

    gbglifters bulk-log

    My left knee had been giving me some grief lately. I am now doing front squats instead with light extensions for wrm ups. Skipping RDLs due to them mot being any good for my back. Front squats: 60kgx12+12+12 BB calfraise: 90kgx15+15+10 Legpress: 90 degrees 200lbx20+20
  18. gbglifter

    Cutting with HST

    Take a pic and post it here so we can stop debating as to if youre fat or not. Get that out of the way so all your energy can be directed towards hypertrophy. Im not sure how long youve been lifting. Ive been lifting for about 15 years, with pause for parenthood and the ocassional injury, and...
  19. gbglifter

    Cutting with HST

    Ong: what cant you fathom?
  20. gbglifter

    Cutting with HST

    Just to chip in on the subject of protein: last years cut I kept protein intake really high (2-3g/kg BW) and got great results. This year I kept it nearer 0.5-0.8g and the results, in the mirror, were near on identical. Obviously I may got even better results with a higher protein intake but my...