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  1. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    I ended up dropping the seated overhead presses (the in front variety, never behind neck) and just have worked on face pulls, lateral raises, front raises and am very slowly trying out standing dumbbell presses (with palms facing in). My shoulders are feeling really good again. I am already...
  2. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    Thanks O&G. I have watched a demo video on what these are and how to implement, so I will give it a go. I am still unsure if shoulder presses will be in my routine in the future though. I have read up and it seems that the conventional shoulder presses are frowned on for long term shoulder health.
  3. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    Thanks, I figured this would be the case... I reckon incline bench would be much easier on my shoulders. I think I will go with some rehab work, lat raises, front raises and then slowly bring in the incline bench. Last time I had shoulder issues were from presses and it seems this is coming...
  4. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    I tried the neutral grip presses and it hurts. Not as bad as the conventional, but it hurts. I persisted a bit with the neutral grip presses and did about 2-3 sets, but when I flt it was not getting better, I stopped. I then switched to lateral raises and front raises, which were fine. I may...
  5. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    Thanks guys... So with the neutral grip dumbbell presses, are these what you mean? - I also wondered about incline bench press at a 45deg incline or more would work? I think I need to rehab my rotator cuffs and strengthen up the joints again. I did this for a while and then just got away from...
  6. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    Thanks Mick, funny you should suggest this. I was just reading up on these the other day. I don't have the bar for this in my home gym at this stage.
  7. R

    Hst And Shoulders

    Some time ago I posted about shoulder issues. I could not find the post when I did a search. Anyway... My shoulders seem to be flaring up again. I am coming to think that overhead pressing is just not suited to me. It seems a bit of an un-natural exercise for me and how I am built. I am sure...
  8. R

    Silly Question?

    Absolutely! I learned the heard way. Has to be one or the other.
  9. R

    Silly Question?

    In my experience... For a while there I was running high frequency and high volume with my training. It took a while, but in the end I crashed. IMHO, I feel that exercise stress can tax the body to a degree and leave you susceptible to "things"going around. Do I have any medical research to back...
  10. R

    Newbie Seeking Help

    I second @adpowah ... Getting the volume and frequency sorted out is critical or you will most certainly crash and burn... I am following a Blade set up now (still HST), but I have tapered off volume to compensate for the frequency. Going great so far! Chest/Back measurement is getting close...
  11. R

    Hst Credit?

    HST definitely works! As vain as this sounds, I am testimony to how well the program works. I share my story under the results thread. Just this week, I saw the Doc for a long overdue checkup and he asked if I were taking any "anabolics". I understand that you may be skeptical as was I when I...
  12. R

    Rethinking Hst

    This thread is starting to become a little like Jerry Springer on steroids - Ha, ha... Just kidding... On a side note... I went in for a medical check up this week and the Doc asked me "Are you taking any anabolics? You know those can mess up your hormone levels." My answer was a definite no...
  13. R

    Rethinking Hst

    That dose response curve Blade illustrates in his research is an eye opener... That in itself is a red flag to me that more and more and more volume can actually work against you. Sorry if I am getting a bit off topic...
  14. R

    Rethinking Hst

    In my case... Myo-reps was a real boom to my training system. Make that a sonic boom. Love it.... Took a bit to get my head around it, initially, but will never change now. Is there a way that we can put Blade's research as a sticky on the top of the forum? It is worth referring back to...
  15. R

    Rethinking Hst

    This is VERY cool... Many thanks Blade... I would welcome chatting to and learning more from you any time...
  16. R

    Rethinking Hst

    In my experience... HST Principles - adds muscle Myo Reps - adds muscle Good Diet - adds muscle Our bodies are all a little different, but Blade and all these other guys know what they are talking about mostly. I disagree with a few slight things like using isolation exercises, but that is bye...
  17. R

    Cutting with HST

    Nah, I am very cautious of supplements... I don't know much about the Mag-10. I would need to research it to determine whether it is a gimmick or not. I only take a natural whey (no artificial anything), creatine (sometimes), BCAA's and L-Carnosine. I also have a supplement regimen I take each...
  18. R

    Cutting with HST

    Intermittent fasting worked REALLY well for me... I went from 220lbs down to about 205lbs. During that diet phase, I managed to keep arm growth happening. I still want to lose a few more pounds and have been looking at this method...
  19. R

    Hst With Shoulder Pain

    I built up a lot of size with just a basic set of dumbbells... As I increased in my lifts, I would buy more weight plates. I found that dumbbells gave me flexibility with performing certain movements like shoulder press and bench press etc. I had pretty good size gain with doing tricep kickbacks...
  20. R

    Back to Basics

    It is up to you regarding diet... Yes, sure we are Bodybuilders and eat clean, but we have found GMO stuff is not good, what they feed the chickens to fatten them up is not good, even regular steak can have undesirables in it. My family and I are not vegetarians or anything, but we tend to opt...