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  1. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    As of now, I'm doing DUP training, in an attempt to get stronger. I'm also cutting my weight, to get closer to a competition level body fat percentage. I will return to HST after my cut. I'm going to post some pics in 6-8 weeks, when I get to 5% body fat that way, everyone can see my progress.
  2. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Thank you for that. I will try that, after I find out if I get picked or not and I'll post on here, if they select me. I'm hoping my age will help me get on there.
  3. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    That's why I try not to make blanket statements, just because this has worked for me (so far) but that doesn't mean that it will work for everyone. If we keep posting our results of this program and other programs, it might help someone who hasn't been growing the way that they want. That's what...
  4. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    I like your attention to detail. I did 5x5, German volume training and DC training before coming to HST in that year. I was doing a very lean bulk (not trying to let my weight get out of control). I think maybe he hasn't had the success that others has had on this system and credits it to the...
  5. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    On bench, squat, deadlift and pull-ups, I did 2 sets, the same that I did on HST. Sometimes, I would do three set on power days (1-3 reps scheme) depending on how I felt. As far as bi, tri, calf and shoulder, they would get 6 sets and and lower and upper traps would get 3 sets each.
  6. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    I guess I didn't answer all of you questions, sorry. On DUP, my legs grew 1/2 inch, which I think that has something to do with the fact that I was doing squats verses leg press and hack machine. I think squats are better and a more well rounded as a growth builder. I didn't lose size in any...
  7. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Reps and sets on my biceps and triceps have been the same on both systems. I think the system for inducing better sarcoplamic hypertrophy is just better on HST. But again, I can only go off of my experience and can not make a blanket statement, as to this being fact. I think both approaches are...
  8. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    My biceps shrank 1/4 inch, when I left HST and went to DUP but I needed to get my strength up. I'm trying to get on American Ninja Warrior and I want more functional strength verses bigger muscles, for now. If I don't get on the show, I will go back to HST for a cycle and alternate between the...
  9. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    IMO, this is a pretty good way to determine, natty or not. Weight can be deceiving but size on the other hand, can tell a lot.
  10. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    I'll have to remember that and wish you a happy 50th in 6 months.
  11. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Thank you. I have too much pride, to go to the dark side.
  12. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Yes, you are correct and thank you for coming to my defense. I'm hoping to get the ffmi up a few before my next competition. I should be at 22.5 adjusted ffmi, not bad but still a long way to go, if I want to get to 25.
  13. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    First of all, you should never accuse someone of something before you have all of the facts. The avatar was before my first run of HST. I was a 3.9% body fat at 132 lbs, which gives me a lean body mass of 127 lbs. Now I am 155 at just under 10%, which should net me about 13 lbs but calipers can...
  14. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    Unfortunately yes but first I raised my cardio, until I was burning about 500 extra calories a day and then I played with my carbs until my weight started to drop about a pound a week. As I got closer to 5%, I only aimed to drop a 1/2 pound a week.
  15. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    My bench went up 40 lbs for three reps in the last 7 weeks squat 80 lbs 3 rep max deads 40 lbs 3 rep max pull-ups 25 lbs 3 rep max I've actually put on 13-15 pounds of lean mass since that picture. I'll post that, when I finish my cut. A lot that has to do with reading up on HST, DUP and the...
  16. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Do you think that I should take my hypertrophy day to 12 reps?
  17. golfnut

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    I've been using DUP as well for the past eight weeks and all my maxes have improved. Here's my workout. Monday hypertrophy 8 reps - bench, squat, deadlift and weighted pull-ups Wednesday power 1-3 reps - same as above Friday strength 5-6 reps - same as above Saturday...
  18. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I'll aid rack pulls on my next workout. Thanks for the advice, I have until July 20th for my next comp. and I want to do better.
  19. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    This is my pics from a year ago at 5% or a little lower. This is where I need help bad.
  20. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    It's funny that you answered that as I was typing to old and grey, about the same question. I will start doing both exercises tonight because it doesn't add much time to my workout and I really want to have a body that can win me first place. Thank you again for the advice, I need all I can get.