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  1. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I actually think that my back needs work. Do you think I would be fine with doing two sets of each, on every workout. I'm always worried about overtraining because I feel that's what held me back in the past. Thank you in advance, for any advice you can give me. I've made the best progress doing...
  2. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    Sorry, I missed that. I alternate between the two (Monday pull up, Wednesday row, then back to pull ups on Friday), so I never do the same one in the same day. I should've stated that more clearly in my post. I do the same for legs, hack one day, then leg press the other. I do agree that the...
  3. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    Do you have a seated calf machine because that's what I do mine on?
  4. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    This is my routine and I followed the 2 weeks of 10s and 4 weeks of 5s. I didn't do the 2 weeks of 15. My avatar is when I weighed 132lbs @3.8-3.9% bf now I weigh 161@ 8% I'll post another pic, when I cut down for the next contest. sets 2- flat bench with warm up set 2-narrow grip bench for...
  5. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    @Jester thank you very much, now just trying to get my legs up to par for my next contest.
  6. golfnut

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I'll first give you a little back story. I've been lifting on and off for 25 years but never seem to grow as much as I wanted. I've always had a very lean hard look but I wanted much more size and spent years reading different theories on how to build muscle. Last year I stumbled across this...