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  1. H

    I lost all my gain during the SD :(

    The 15s are done more to prepare the muscle for the heavy loads - thanks to the effect of lactic acid on the tendons -, than for maximizing hypertrophy. Some people don't do them and go straight to the 10s. If you were doing HIT before, maybe you didn't have much glycogen storage because of...
  2. H

    I lost all my gain during the SD :(

    To tell you the truth I am not 100% sure of what I said. That's just my understanding of it. From what I've understood, everything in the muscle cells are more or less proportionnal. You can't lose conctractile material - I guess that's where most of the proteins come from - without a...
  3. H

    Anyway to turn a conjugated split into HST Cycle?

    No. It goes against the logic of HST, which stipulates that the load is the primary cause of muscle growth. You must ALWAYS increase the load. As for the idea that sets of 8-12 are better for hypertrophy, it is not sure at all. It might be true for a beginner but not for a trained individual...
  4. H

    I lost all my gain during the SD :(

    From what I understand, there's 400 calories in 1lb of muscle. (We have already discussed that before.) In other words, if you "burn" 400 calories from your muscles, you've lost one lb, because you lose the water that comes along with the muscle . So I'm not sure that your...
  5. H

    To the Cluster style HST'ers

    Ok, I checked it and indeed I got it in reverse..   So you have to exchange the IIas and IIbs in what I said to understand what the hell I was talking about.. lol  :D In any case if you guys don't stay too far from failure my point is somewhat irrelevant. I think however that with the...
  6. H

    To the Cluster style HST'ers

    Mmh.. interesting. I thought that the IIA tended to convert to 2Bs, and I to IIA. So it seems to be more complicated than that.. No, you got me wrong. My explanations are probably not very clear. What I mean is this: the IIBs are recruited either during the entire set if the load is > 80%...
  7. H

    Tension VS Volume Increase

    So we agree basically. The question is however, what is considered the minimum TUT? Does one set of 5 reps for instance give sufficient TUT? Or should there be a minimum like 20 reps or so? In other words, after how many reps is increasing the volume becoming counter productive?
  8. H

    To the Cluster style HST'ers

    Well, correct me if I'm wrong but it is not only the load that affects whether you recruit the 2Bs or not. It's also how close you get to failure. If you use a light weight, say 60% of your 1RM, you're unlikely to recruit the 2Bs at all if you do say only 5 reps. In HST, there is a minimum of...
  9. H

    Tension VS Volume Increase

    Keeping sets x reps x weight constant is a recommendation in the book that explains how to optimize HST. I guess that recommendation must be based on some research too. The way I look at it, decreasing the volume is not so bad as long as the total volume doesn't become too low and the decrease...
  10. H

    To the Cluster style HST'ers

    I'd be more concerned about whether the type 2bs would be recruited.. Since those are recruited at the beginning of a set with loads > 80-85% of 1RM, I don't see how they can be recruited during most of a cluster HST cycle. It's true that the more you "force", the more you stress...
  11. H

    Initial rep range of a cycle

    Yeah it's probably a good thing to do at least 1 week of 15s. We always want to jump to fast to the heavy weights. For the 10-12 rep range it's hard to tell indeed. And think about it, a 10-12RM for a beginner is not necessarily a 10-12 RM for someone more advanced, because the type 2 become...
  12. H

    My Results

    You had no gain at all with 6x a week? Are you sure you ate enough?
  13. H

    Initial rep range of a cycle

    We know that studies have shown that the optimal rep range is in the order of 10-12 reps. As HSTers, we know that this is not exactly true and that the optimum rep range varies with the level of conditionning, and that the 10-12 reps is probably more suited for beginners. Now the thing is that...
  14. H

    Bryan in ThinkMuscle: Hypertrophy=Strength

    I don't know but this one can fix your problem once and for all.. :D :D :D
  15. H

    Cardio and EPOC

    Ok, very good. I think I'm gonna add HIIT during my next cut after all. ;)
  16. H

    When does increased-frequency become overtraining?

    His idea is interesting.. Think about it.. if it takes 3-4 minutes to recover from a regular set of say 8 reps, we can speculate that it might take about 30 sec to recover from 1 rep, especially the first one which is the easiest. So doing 1 rep at a time might not take longer than doing all...
  17. H

    Cardio and EPOC

    Just out of curiosity.. were you natural during your cut? I ask this because you say that you went from mid 10s to this which is probably under 10. This is about 10lbs in one month without muscle loss. That's very impressive for someone natural.
  18. H

    Cardio and EPOC

    You look good. ;) It is interesting that you've been able to do HIIT on a keto and that it doesn't seem to have caused muscle loss. Thanks for your input!
  19. H

    Cardio and EPOC

    Did you lose muscle while doing your cut? Were you taking carb at that time?
  20. H

    Cardio and EPOC

    HIIT is really amazing.. it seems to cause more subcutaneous fat loss, yet, the majority of the calories burnt while doing it comes from glycogen! And after the HIIT session the blood flow to subQ fat should return more or less to normal. So.. MOST OF THE SUBQ FAT SEEMS TO BE LOST WHILE THERE...