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  1. C


    Glad to hear it. Keep working hard!
  2. C

    Going to try HST for the first time.

    You can retest your maxes after your cycle and before you SD. Or, you can just add some weight and figure it out as you go.
  3. C

    What are your goals?

    My goal is 230 @ 10%.
  4. C

    Confused ..hmm

    You can retest your maxes after your cycle, SD, and the start again.
  5. C

    Confused ..hmm

    It just makes me mad when I see people complaining about not gaining any weight with HST. You ask them how many calories they took in and they always say, "I don't know" or "I ate like 3000 calories!" That wont cut it. You have got to know how many is enough and then eat that...
  6. C

    Name your best and worst muscles

    Great topic idea. As we progress in our training, it's interesting to start to see strengths and weaknesses. Strengths: I think my quads are pretty impressive, especially for how tall I am. I'm pretty well proportioned as well. My chest is decent, too. Weaknesses: High calf insertion (they...
  7. C

    Does HST work on a split routine?

    The #1 thing that makes HST so different is frequency of training. You gotta be training your bodyparts at least 3x/wk.
  8. C

    Confused ..hmm

    I say this to anyone starting HST. In my opinion, HST is the best training method there is. However, if you are not taking in enough calories, you will make little or no gains. You must take in enough food every single day to get good growth. Good luck and go for it!
  9. C

    The principles...

    You got the idea right.
  10. C

    O/T Mr. Olympia this weekend

    If Ronnie comes in shape (which he will), I cant see anyone beating him. What a mass of muscle that guy is. He is the first bodybuilder in history that I look at and think to myself, "that's what a superhero looks like." He's a comic book character. He sold his soul to drugs to get...
  11. C

    The principles...

    When a certain poundage is overlapped in another rep range, it is called zig-zag. It's ok to do this. As long as your weights are in an upward trend overall. However, most people around here limit how deep their zig-zagging goes. For example, you could start at a higher weight and repeat it.
  12. C

    HST Log

    Looks like a solid program, Colby. I too, dropped isolations for the first time ever this cycle. I just added one set of inc. bicep curls yesterday (started the 5s).
  13. C

    Halfway through second cycle...

    I'm just keeping HST a "secret" for myself. Actually, I've got one other person using the program.
  14. C

    first day

    Honestly, I HATED the 15s when I started (still do). But I did them according to plan anyway. The second week of 15s, I was noticeably "fuller." Remember, if you wanna gain muscle, you GOTTA eat enough. Figure out EXACTLY how many cals per day you need to eat and stick with it! Good...
  15. C

    Halfway through second cycle...

    The thing is, when you bust through a plateau of any kind, it's motivation to work even harder. That type of excitement and focus can't be faked. You know what I mean? When you share it with others, it's contagious.
  16. C

    Halfway through second cycle...

    JM: I'm 30 now and I couldn't agree with you more about being inspired by others. There is a guy at my gym in his 40's who has a real powerful build. I always think to myself, "That's what I want to look like when I'm his age." Just had my pre-WO meal, off to the gym!
  17. C

    Glad to be here! Gots some questions!

    Welcome to the forums! I agree with Joe. Muscle, this is the best training site on the Web. HST is a great tool. Just remember: Eat enough calories, get enough rest, and use HST principles. YOU WILL GROW! I promise.
  18. C

    Halfway through second cycle...

    During my first cycle, I took in about 3600 cals per day. I think that was a bit too small and my gains suffered in the post-fives (I even lost a couple pounds). This cycle, I'm taking in 4000cals every day. It seems to be about what I need at this point in my training. As far as the rest of...
  19. C

    Halfway through second cycle...

    I dont have calipers, but I've kept detailed tape measurements. My waist started at 32.5" and I am 34" now. So a 1.5" gain in the waist.
  20. C

    Halfway through second cycle...

    Well, it's official. I now weigh 200 lbs (200.5 actually ). ;) I have never weighed that much before. Pretty exciting news for me, at least. I started my 1st cycle at 178lbs and ended at 192. Now I'm 200 lbs. That's 22lbs in 1.5 HST cycles! Not friggn' bad. I start my 5's tomorrow. I gained...