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  1. L

    Where'd you get your username?

    well im a trekkie,lcars is basically a computer terminal on star trek,i wasnt feeling imaginative when i chose it.
  2. L

    Reactions To Muscle

    arms,arnie,jonny bravo,popeye and adonis these are all names i get called at work,ironically im not even that big 6"190lbs 12%.I look nothing in normal clothes only when i wear tight clothing do i stand out,like totentanz said i too feel scrawny and weak most of the time.but i get alot of...
  3. L


    my old routine was the 3-day split,before i found those days we used to hammer it to failure(either through burning or just inability to lift the weight)but now im on the hst program we have dropped from 3-4 sets per exersise to usually 2(my cns breaths a sigh of relief),but im finding it...
  4. L

    hst-ish my routine

    sorry about the delay,yes i do drop the weight as i go from 5s v/heavy to 10s then drop down a little lower for 15s although after the first couple of weeks my max weight in the 5s soon became my max weight in the 15s,im begining to plateau so i think its time to have the rest you were speaking of.
  5. L

    hst-ish my routine

    hi there first post,been observing the site for a while now picking everyones brains and must admit im lovin it,my routine for the past 4 months has been roughly as follows...... m/w/f 1.5hrs each sat 1hr finishing off deads abs etc my first week was 15s second week 10s third 5s 2xflat db...