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  1. L


    VirtualCyber, There are lots of reasons I'm sure - that's why I'm still open to continue my experiment. One of the things I'm thinking about is the improved glucose handling you supposedly get from bromocriptine. I've been eating more than normal carbs (protein intake will have to suffer) as a...
  2. L


    The shivering was the first sign. Seems my muscles were completely out of glycogen. Could it be the improved glucose handling ? My first change will be to increase time between exercises (not just circuits) and working out later in the day. If that doesn't work I'll fall back to 3.75mg/day :)...
  3. L


    Uhm - this needs some experimentation. I walked to the gym today; took me 45 minutes. Then I started working out circles of: 20xbench press 20xpull-ups 20xdumbbell rows 20xtriceps pushdown 20xcrunches I got to the end of my second round (1 min between cycles, aproximately 30 secs between...
  4. L


    Nah - I've been sick Started out with a chest infection (thanks, honey!) which went into a flu because I started training again too early. I reached 5mg/day on Saturday and will start working out today using a modified version of VirtualCyber's workout (hadn't really decided yet, but I was...
  5. L

    Alpha Lipoic acid (ALA)

    Aren't you guys forgetting ALAs great anti-oxidant traits ? It's supposed to protect other anti-oxidants and thus make them work better. As far as I'm concerned, and I've been using ALA both to keto diets and just as an "anti-oxidant helper" is that it's besically worthless if you...
  6. L


    As I think I've mentioned I'll start for real tomorrow when my first exam is done. I'll go up to 3.75mg and record everything twice/week. :)
  7. L


    Cool! I actually liked the book a lot :) The reason I started off without having time to keep a proper diet (does anyone when exams and the flu arrive at the same time ? ;) ) is that I wanted to gradually let my body get used to it. I'll go for 3.75 on Tuesday and get to 5 during next weekend...
  8. L


    My weight can fluctuate as much as 2kg from day to day, but that is usually fixed by bringing a good book to the little room Weight has stabilized now due to my "pre exam diet". It consists of sugar and lack of sleep. You should try it. Next to "The Brand New Flu Diet ™&quot...
  9. L


    Up until now I've been working out pretty early, but today I went late. It seems that since I was working out later that the effects of the Bromocriptine is less. I had much less problems today with low blood pressure. It also seems synephrine makes one of the side effects - stuffed nose - more...
  10. L


    This is kind of neat, so I thought I should share it - when I woke up this morning I was 200g under my Monday weight and almost 1% less! Like I've "said" before - I feel like #### this week because of my flu (or whatever it was) so training hasn't exactly been perferct. My diet...
  11. L

    Testosterone and Behavior

    I don't care if I offend someone with this - the worst I ever hear is someone, especially those that apparantly never have played any sport and only occasionally showers, says "we won". What do they mean "WE" ?? *THEY* didn't win anything unless they bet on the winning team...
  12. L

    Testosterone and Behavior

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KingProtein @ May 24 2002,11:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anti-spectator sports.  Now I've heard everything! But to be serious, maybe you don't like watching sports because you weren't raised...
  13. L

    Testosterone and Behavior

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (virtualcyber @ May 24 2002,07:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, actually I agree about spectator sports, bro. [Even though, this might sound like heresy to some folks here]. <span...
  14. L


    A little update: Did my second workout of 10s today. It was a bit heavy due to the chest infection I've had. Stoped using penicillin yesterday (might have affected both strength and what I'm going to update about). I'm still on half the dose of bromo. After completing legs and starting chest...
  15. L


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blood&amp;Iron @ May 22 2002,10:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">himself a bit more on MFW; not that he's usually wrong.)  I just can't see spending $27 for a book, even if it's by Lyle, <span...
  16. L


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (virtualcyber @ May 22 2002,10:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is bromo's effect &quot;permanent&quot;?     CLA was supposed to have a long lasting effect, even after one discontinues its use.  Is...
  17. L


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blood&amp;Iron @ May 22 2002,10:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I will be very interested to hear what kind of results you ultimately get.  I seem to recall, and it would seem likely, that you...
  18. L


    I just thought I'd give you guys a little update of my three-day old Bromocriptin cycle. Up until now I haven't started dieting again, as I've been sick for two weeks (no, I wasn't overtrained - I got it from my girlfriend and got less sick). I started on Monday and worked out on Tuesday...
  19. L

    Supplements That Taste Like Hell

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (andré @ May 22 2002,6:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Lars, you mention that Udo´s oil doing wonders for you. Can you please give some details on that comment?  I presume you have very noticeable...
  20. L

    Supplements That Taste Like Hell

    Why don't you guys get some Udo's Choice oil ? It's a blend of omega 3, 6 and 9 and from what I hear the body can convert it into CLA (can someone tell me for sure ?) It tastes pretty good in shakes as long as it's not rancid. I drink 30 grams of this every day, and it's doing wonders for me...