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  1. L


    There's lots of info om Bromo on the 'net, so I don't think I'll go into detail about too much of what's only in the book. I don't think you can compare CLA with bromo, though. One is a drug while the other is fat. Some research I found from 1996 (?) said the bromo group lost between 1.2 and...
  2. L


    Well - I've ordered the book and got hold of somme bromo. If anyone's interested I can give an update when I finish my cycle.
  3. L

    HST Calculator

    Do you have a decent image handling application ? Photoshop ? If you have something you know how to use, then just press "print screen" on your keyboard and paste it in the application. Crop it, and save it as a jpg or similar. The other possibility is to just manually transfer the numbers to...
  4. L

    Creatine cycling for HST

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bryan Haycock @ April 25 2002,04:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It is true that the creatine transporter downregulates itself, but not to the point that no creatine is taken up. If you use 0.03...
  5. L

    Creatine cycling for HST

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Karma @ April 24 2002,6:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ah Lars I just realised you live in Aussie. You probably get things for a similar to what I get over the ditch. Look out for Miada brand...
  6. L

    Creatine cycling for HST

    Well - I haven't used creatine in the last 3-4 years and wanted to test it again. The last time I didn't get much from it. This time around I notice a better intra cellular pressure, I'm able to lift just a little bit more but I notice I get a better contraction and therefore (I believe) I...
  7. L

    Creatine cycling for HST

    Hey, all! Just wanted to check if anyone's got any comments, corrections or good ideas when it comes to creatine cycling during HST. Bryan recommended to use creatine during the SD in order to keep as much muscle mass as possible. Also, the ideal creatine cycle is 8-10 weeks, so I was thinking...
  8. L

    Worst HSN Supplement Ideas

    How about ZMA enriched enema with vanilla flavor ?
  9. L

    How much EPA per day

    Could I suggest that you go get some Udos choice instead ? Or at least buy things on bottle instead of in capsules ? I get at least 2 table spoons of Udos/day. I think 1 table spoon (of most of these fats) equates to 15 pills. You can do the math yourself ;o) From what I hear this will give the...
  10. L

    fat loss supplements

    Just get some pseudo-ephedrine (Sudafed). It won't stimulate your CNS, but it will make you a bit more active and alert. Besides, pseudo-ephedrine is what you get most places in the world anyway when you buy ECA stacks. My excuse is: &quot;I do a lot of scuba diving, and I have problems...
  11. L

    fat loss supplements

    ECA stacks works - if used sensibly with a good diet. They help spare some muscle, surpress hunger and give you extra energy in the gym. The caffeine will also release ffa's into your bloodstream. Both ephedrine and caffeine are dehydrating, so a lot of water weight can be lost if you're not...
  12. L

    Whch creatine is worth the money (the shop's in Taringa)
  13. L

    Whch creatine is worth the money

    You're in Brizzie, right Rainier ? Go check out Ada Street. They're the best as far as I'm conserned. They're also happy to recommend the cheaper brand as long as it's the better one.
  14. L

    How do you take your creatine ?

    Depends on how much you're already using. Salt is, in the right dosages, good for intracellular pressure (or so I've been told by a few people - whom one was a Kalvin K model with the most incredible physique I ever saw! :) ) In my opinion salt is good for you as long as you don't have a...
  15. L


    Did they mention how the body reacts to it ? Does it down-regulate its own production ? Is there a way to fool it into producing more ? Or are eating days the (only) way to go ?
  16. L

    How do you take your creatine ?

    I went out and got me some creatine today. The guys at the shop seems like knowledgeable people and after some discussion with them I ended up with an American made creatine marketed under Pharmasports' label. (They could also tell me that it wasn't too much need to worry about labels at the...
  17. L

    Biotest Mag-10

    How about adding hCG and/or some clomiphen to help avoiding the change ?
  18. L

    Whch creatine is worth the money

    Thanks! Guess who'll find yet another excuse to not start working on his assignments due right after easter...or the mid term exam Guess I'll go get myself a grinder!
  19. L

    Dumbells Vs Barbells Vs Machine Poll

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jon Stark @ April 04 2002,12:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This might sound heretical, but for some movements I really think dumbbells are preferrable.  I don't have any EMG evidence or...