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  1. S

    glutamine vs l-glutamine

    Thanks Nemesis' Ill think twice when spending this fridays paycheck. Sphinx.
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    I need to be hungrier!!

    I can attest for the B12. I found that 2000mcg twice a week worked wonders for my appetite. I counldnt seem to get enuf, after I ate to the point of 'fullness' not an hour would go by before I started to think about my next feeding. I did start with 1000mcg twice a week and worked up from...
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    Best supplement for connective tissue repair

    BUMP Just making sure ef9 sees this. Proud to be a memeber of Bryan's board! Peace, Sphinx
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    Best supplement for connective tissue repair

    Bump I pointed this guy over from the Supra forums. I reccomended for him to do sets of 15's. Any other reccomendations? Sphinx.
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    What are 'necessary' supplements?

    Admittidly I dont have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to how the body processess vits and mins. I was going out on a limb with the RDA info from the 50's I should have double checked before I spewed. I do have to agree with VC about your recommended eating habits. For one: INCREDIBLY...
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    What are 'necessary' supplements?

    Where can I read up on some carb manipulation? I read a bit about combining Protein with Carbs and minimal fat, then combining Protein with Fat and minimal fat. This is susposed to prevent one from becoming insulin insesitive. It also susposed to maximize the use of endogenous insulin spikes. I...
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    What are 'necessary' supplements?

    Unless the RDA has been reevaluated in the last 50 years I think it is a bit on the low side. From what I understand that numbers are sufficient to basicly keep one alive and in general good health. Now add the extra stress of weight training and extremely active lifestyles along with increased...
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    What are 'necessary' supplements?

    I was talking to a buddy at the gym I dont see all that often and he mentioned it. I was trying to find out more myself. When I do find out, Ill post it. Sphinx
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    Enteric Coated Fish oil caps

    Never mind. I just re-read the post. Now I feel stupid. LOL Sphinx.
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    What are 'necessary' supplements?

    So you dont think a multi-vit/mineral is necessary? Eating enuf fruits and vegetables in order to get the measly RDA of vits and mins is not in concert with eating to get cut or bulk. At least that I have been able to figure out. Peace, Sphinx.
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    What are 'necessary' supplements?

    What does everyone think are 'necessary' supplements? Mulit-vit EFA's (CLA, Fish oils, ect.) Glutamine Taurine Zinc Creatine (?) Protein (difficult to get enuf and variety) Ect. This is just off the top of my head. Are all these necessary or not? Why? What else? What dossages? This would be real...
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    Enteric Coated Fish oil caps

    How long did it take for those fishy burps to go away? I that sh-tuf! Sphinx.