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  1. F

    1 short of faliure reps

    so basicly you could do 5 sets if you can handle it is that what your saying colby. :)
  2. F

    1 short of faliure reps

    instead of doing 2 or 3 sets of an exercise why not pick an exercise for a certain bodypart lets say legs, and starting on your 15s for squats just keep doing sets till you know you wont get out another set.... then move onto chest and do the same there ...then back shoulders etc..everyone keeps...
  3. F

    alternating exercises

    cheers for the replys guys i was using flyes as an EG have not worked out a routine yet..could have flat db bb bench in there.its just an experiment, i have been thinking about keeping the muscles under tension more..last cycle i repped out on the submax weights. so i thought i would try staying...
  4. F

    Yet another question about zigzagging

    (quote)from blade Zig-zagging is fine as long as the general trend over time is upwards. If not, the conditioning of the muscle (which is to say, the resistance of the tissue to the mechanical strain of a given weight load) will catch up with you, and your growth will plateau. Growth with a...
  5. F

    Tabata style aerobics

    You youngsters can push the hell out of your lungs and heart, as for me I'll stick to 145 max. thanks for calling me a youngster fausto (even though i am 47) i just cant get round the idea of only doing 4mins though..years of doing loads of cardio :D
  6. F

    alternating exercises

    I was thinking of doing this next cycle..doing a different exercise every workout for the same bodypart something like this. mon  incline db bench wed  dips fri  db flyes mon  machine bench wed  bb incline fri  machine flyes each exercise would be using the 15s,10s,5s,rep maxes and would only...
  7. F

    My very simple HST explanation

    you also wrote this Earlier in the cycle, you don't need isolation exercises for your arms. You may throw in some more exercises later in the cycle -fly's, skullcrushers, incline d bell curls- if you wish. you can also do this the other way round start with isos and drop them in the 5s ..i do...
  8. F

    5 days HST

    i have decided to lose some fat so i have been doing 6x a week fullbody im in my 5s BTW i actually feel better than doing 3x more energy etc..the plus to doing 6xwk is you dont have to worry about missing a session or your diet ..dont know if i will be able to carry on for long getting to the...
  9. F

    My First HST Cycle Suggestions

    sldl hamies ordinary deadlifts back..IMO
  10. F

    hst for physical workers

    (quote) The best part of hst in my mind is the looks on everyone's face when I go from the squat rack to the bench and then back to the rack for some chins !! haha i was doing squats a few months ago and 2 so called personal trainers were stood behind me,so i said do you want to join in and...
  11. F

    Aussie starting HST!

    welcome mate..i cant see it doing any harm if your well trained anyway but after a christmas layoff i might have started with at least a week of 10s to ease you back into it.good luck :D
  12. F

    Tabata style aerobics

    ephman i agree i wouldnt use it on its own..yesterday i did tabbata with a skipping rope it was hard then i did 15mins steady on a bike..i think i will do it once a week.. my hiit day is.. 2mins..punchbag 2mins stepups do this for 20mins no rest inbetween i also do some slow steady stuff as well...
  13. F

    HST improvement

    or you could just carry on doing 10 your 10rm is 100k and the start of the 5s is 100k just carry on doing 10 reps.
  14. F

    Tabata style aerobics

    tried it on saturday using punch bag 4mins..definetly got me breathing heavy..might give it a go on back squats on a smith machine so i can click the weight back in for 10 secs fausto... Are you a sucker for punishment? LOL not really im just used to doing about 30mins cardio ...also though...
  15. F

    Tabata style aerobics

    fausto do you have to stop at 4mins or can you carry on untill you cant do of eight could do 14 or more..
  16. F

    Question about after cycle

    you should have wrote down your new maxes after each 15s.10s.5s. cycle..if you havent just add a couple of lbs to each max ..i dont normally take 2wks i finish on the friday and start again 9days later on the monday..
  17. F

    HST Help

    you have 3 chest exercises there is no need 1 or 2 will do try this. squat incline db press bent over rows bb or db...or chins shoulder presses db or bb dips shrugs curls db or bb the dips and incline press is enough for chest and tris good luck :D
  18. F

    Next Cycle Setup

    good choice of exercises..if you can handle that amount then go for it..there is no set amount but most guys on here prefer to concentrate on mostly compounds...if you find it gets to hard then you can drop some exercises no problem..for instance when i get to the 5s i drop all arm isos..or if...
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    rest and vanilla routine

    the aching is only doms go to faqs on doms and you can train everyday with no problems as long as you manage your routine ok.
  20. F

    ACSM Now Endorses Simple Training Programs for Ex

    this bit sounds like HST exept the faliure bit A program for any trainee can consist of eight to 10 exercises performed two to three days per week. Different exercises for each muscle group could be varied across workouts. For example, a squat can be used for the thighs in the first workout in...