fausto did you try the exercises i recomended on the pilates and lower back therapy thread..i will post on here anyway.
lie face down on the floor arms at side palms facing floor forehead touching the floor.
with your toes pointing raise your legs off the floor(knees locked) as high as you can...
also doc if your zigzaging because your doing this
do this.
90,90,95,95,100,100.on each cycle less zigzaging and starting at a higher weight. :D
omega man (one of my favorite films btw) go to general training section..thread what age..there are a lot of guys ages and what they think of hst on there :D
and dkm i have been repping out on the 15s..today i am on my next to last workout on 15s and have already reached my 15rep max so a new max on friday...i think i will carry on repping out on the 1st week of tens as well. :D
dont know if anyone has ever mentioned this before but i find mentaly when i have done the 15s the 10s and 5s are much easier..so i think this allows me to use more weight..dont know if some of the other guys feel the same. :confused:
you could try a few natural bodybuilding sites and have a look at some of the guys on there to see how big you can get naturaly..i dont know any in your country but you could try this..
i suppose if your chaning every week then you must go to faliure every week which is maybe not a good thing.
also your increments will probably be smaller which is more condusive to strenght rather than hypertrophy..imo.. :confused:
8,6,4,rep maxes are not that far apart maybe your working to close to faliure..personaly i feel the heavy weights are easier after i have done the 15s.
but if you dont want to do that drop the cycle you are doing to 6wks then sd.
or change to 12,8,6. or 10,7,4.good luck :D
you have not said how many sets you do ..and how many days you workout.is it 3x or 5x..
you could drop the arm isos altogether if the routine is to much.
or you could just drop them when you get to the 5s
there is also other reasons
1) lack of sleep
2) poor diet
3) stress
4)training to...
you can do a lot of reading up while you sd..as the guys said you dont have to drop isos if you can handle them but a lot of us do...the thing is you might be pushing your arms to faliure if you keep them in..imo :D
louie if your 15rm is 100k do this
75,80,85,90,95,100..so day one is 75k
if thats too light you can do this
there is no problem with repeating a weight and its the same for the 5s and 10s. :D
i cant help you with that one mate i work out all my maxes in the gym..then set out a programe if i can go heavier than the maxes i have set out i do .then adjust the maxes on my next cycle.
fausto i to have lower back trouble try this more yoga than pilauties.
lye face down on the floor arms at side palms facing floor forehead touching the floor.
with your toes pointing raise your legs off the floor(knees locked) as high as you can ,hold for 10 breaths.
when this becomes easy turn...
louie most people start with this
15s 1set
10s 2sets
5s 3sets
but it depends on you how you feel etc.
i personaly do
15s 2sets..2wks
10s 2sets..2wks
5s 3sets..2wks
5s 2sets with a metabolic set 2wks
and i drop arm isos when i get to the 5s..good luck :D
i squat 3x a week no problem...i dont understand the question about clustering,if your clustering say with 100k squats it should go like this 5,4,3,3,all at 100k you dont up the weight in a session you up it every workout..
i wouldnt do a drop set untill post 5s or negs just try for 3sets of 5 reps..and i think quite a few guys drop isos in the 5s.i know i do thanks to jv and dkm..and its helped. :D