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  1. Sci

    More Support For Myo And Effective Reps

    That is an awesome analysis by Lyle. I love how he dissects the statistics of the study and trashes the conclusion that they come up with easily. Loading (tension) is the primary driver of strength and hypertrophy and we have known this for over 40 years.
  2. Sci

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    For me personally, my best results seem to come from low volume, high frequency. Wether Arthur Jones style 1 really hard set 3x/week or HST style 3x/week progressive tension.
  3. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

  4. Sci

    2016 Log

    You guys are awesome st pressing! I totally agree, I put my priority on overhead pressing recently and put pectoral work second and my shoulders are popping out a bit now.
  5. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    I was struggling with getting to the gym training until recently, as I am a typical overworked dad, but I quit the gym and bought a basic barbell set a month ago and I have been pumping iron consistent, as I prefer the convenience of working out at home. I even hit a few lifetime records with...
  6. Sci

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    I believe that a person using progressive HST cycles with strategically planned breaks from training, will see more consistent longterm results than if they just hammered away all year without breaks.... which leads to results plateauing.
  7. Sci

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    I think in Jester’s case, he primarily trains for STRENGTH and THE PLEASURE OF LIFTING! with HST, the primary goal is muscle size increase. Jester is mainly concerned with lifting heavy stuff, and having fun while throwing around piles of iron. So, SD isn’t necessary for SST, (from a HST...
  8. Sci

    2016 Log

    250kg! Hulk smash
  9. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    After reading that epic thread: I’ve decided not to worry about volume so much, but try again for 3x/week, with a low enough volume for me to recover properly and train my whole body...
  10. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    1st day back after 15 days... 2 sets of 15 reps per exercise = D O M S !!! Ouch everywhere.
  11. Sci

    Progressive Tension?

    Funny how this topic changed to “getting big guns” lol. My triceps have always been good, and with my long arms, my triceps get destroyed in any pushing/pressing movement. So benching and pressing overhead were always plenty for triceps. My biceps tend to struggle. Chin-ups and pull downs...
  12. Sci

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    I like NWlifters explanation about how altering the study to progressive loading via HST cycle style would cause increased gains, (and Bryan’s additional explanations) my thoughts exactly. So... ditto
  13. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    No. I’m not that obsessed any more. I definitely “recomposed” my body fat to lean mass ratio judging by my appearance. Weight went down, then went back up and I have visibly larger muscles. I am well pleased with the progress in only 8 weeks.
  14. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST log I hit my 5 rep maxes of my first cycle, then coincidentally I had 2 brutal work weeks as a plumbing contractor doing 60 hour weeks. So it was perfect timing for a deconditioning period to reset my body for a new HST cycle. Strategic Deconditioning: 15 days since last workout. HST...
  15. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    7 weeks of HST progress.
  16. Sci

    Hey, What About Unplanned Increments?

    I think for strength training the RPE is optimal. For HST however, the increments are not super important, should just be enough for the muscles to be continuously increasing tension throughout the cycle.
  17. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    These hammer strength pull downs are amazing for the lats. My puny lats are already starting to feel beefier.
  18. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Jester makes a good point. When I’m counting “seconds” between reps, it is more rapid than a second. So I guess I’m actually resting 5-10 seconds on most exercises, and 10-15 seconds on things like deadlifts and other high energy lifts.
  19. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Yeah, there is no hard rule. 10-20 seconds. I usually do at least 20-30 seconds with rack pulls since they are so intense.