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  1. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    The hammer strength machines are by far the best I’ve ever used. They are so well engineered, i find the pulldown to be superior to all other machines, and even superior to free weights!!! Its like the perfect lat movement.
  2. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST •split squats 85x13 •Romanian deadlifts 225x10 •iso-lateral pulldowns 160x9 •iso-lateral Decline Bench 140x10 •iso-lateral row 140x10 •Barbell Press 60x12 •front raises 17.5x10 •Incline DB Flyes 35x7 •s/l standing calf raise 70x12 •s/l seated calf raise 35x12 Weigh in 196. Too much fat on...
  3. Sci

    Back to Basics

    Good to see you back, and to see you cutting. I am personally refusing to bulk at all until i am under 10% bodyfat, which, since i am untrained, will put me at a scrawny bodyweight, but it will be fun to bulk up with the combination of low bodyfat and the old satellite cells triggering “muscle...
  4. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST •split squats 70x15 •Romanian deadlifts 225 2x10 •s/l standing calf raise 260x15 •s/l seated calf raise 45x15 •iso-lateral pulldowns 160x10 •iso-lateral Decline Bench 140x10 •Barbell Press 70x10 •plate raises 25 2x15 •Incline DB Flyes 40s x 15 •supinated reverse flyes (slow TUT rehab work)
  5. Sci

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Great choice of movements. Those are all my favorite, (except bench, for shoulder reasons) Especially like the feet elevated pushups, which are amazing for the serratus, and pecs/delts as well
  6. Sci

    Body By Science

    I wasted a lot of rime following Low volume HIT and “Heavy Duty” stuff. Wish i had moved on to more effective, higher volume programs earlier. anecdotally, All the biggest dudes spend a lot of time at the gym. Naturals and aided both. Total weekly volume, as well as volume per bout is...
  7. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST •Machine split squats 240x15 •Romanian deadlifts 235x15 •s/l standing calf raise 260x15 •s/l seated calf raise 25x15 •iso-lateral pulldowns 160x15 •iso-lateral Decline Bench 140x15+ •iso-lateral Row 180x15 •Barbell Press 70x13 Below is scapular rehabilitation stuff •straight arm pulldown...
  8. Sci

    2016 Log

    What does @8 mean?
  9. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    After making great progress counting calories and losing 7 pounds and an inch off my waist, i got sidetracked with the stress of moving in with my fiancée and lost discipline. I only gained back one pound of weight, but im back to counting calories today. After my first 6 week cycle of HST and...
  10. Sci

    Stronger By Science’s Article “grow Like A New Lifter Again”

    The article seemed weak. Some questionable conclusions made, though a good read, I’m not convinced of the conclusions regarding muscle damage, and the details of the hypertrophy process as described.
  11. Sci

    Body By Science

    That is a bad idea for a cutting program. You need to do heavy weights and at least twice a week for enough stimulus to maintain as much lean mass as possible while you shed weight. It takes me 10 minutes just to do my split squats. How many exercises and muscles can you possibly work in 10...
  12. Sci

    Will Working Out Every 48 Hrs Induce Over Training With Hst?

    As an intermediate trainer, and only doing 8 exercises 3x/week, i would recommend 2 sets of 15s, 3 sets of 10s, and 3-5 sets of 5s. Beginners can get 1 or 2 work sets per exercise and grow. More Volume per bout is important in HST for intermediates to make progress.
  13. Sci

    2016 Log

    Really strong on deadlifts and overhead presses. Do you ever take any physique photos or lifting video? You’ve been on the forum so long, curious as to what you look like.
  14. Sci

    mickc1965 training log

    Really cool that you track your sleep and calories in such detail.
  15. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Im not going to bulk or try to grow at all for the first 6 week cycle. Just a “hard reset” to get my body and nervous system back to fitness, then i will hit it hard.
  16. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    I predict It will take me 6 months from today to hit personal records in strength and physique. Day 1 HST Finding my maxes •Machine split squats 240x15 (counts bodyweight) •Romanian deadlifts 235x15 •Leg Press 360x15 •s/l standing calf raise 240x15 (counts bodyweight) •s/l seated calf raise...
  17. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Yes sir. I will post more about it soon
  18. Sci

    Long Time No Hello

    Hello Mick, I’m doing well, I took an extremely long strategic de conditioning time. So now I’m back with my muscles already to grow again.
  19. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Well just look at it this way I took a 3 1/2 year strategic deconditioning. Now I am ready to really put some muscle on, Ha ha ha. I didn’t marry that lady she turned out to be a bit of an alcoholic. But just recently seven months ago I met the woman of my dreams and we are engaged and living...
  20. Sci

    Long Time No Hello

    Hello Mikey, Totentanz, Blade, Old&gray, Lol and the bunch. Still miss Dan Moore and the good old talks back in the 2000s! We are getting old! I hust hit 40 last month and i’m getting back to HST!