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  1. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Hey, longtime been gone, busy with family and work and NOT LIFTING! Im almost finished with a diet, getting my waist and bodyfat trim. When im nice and lean and scrawny, im going to start an HST log here with progress photos. Should be fun, and I always train more consistently when i log online.
  2. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

  3. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Yeah, it probably won;t happen. But I always wanted to try out the male model look, and I am very close to that right now.
  4. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    to answer more specifically, I guess I am doing a "maintenance/ slow re-comp" because my weight has hovered between 186-191 pounds for the past couple of months, but my bodyfat is very slowly dropping. I'd really like to get to 180 pounds and see what that looks like...maybe finally see some...
  5. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    I've got even better pics, but they are inappropriate...
  6. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Actually I am really happy right where I am... I am just maintaining now. I am strong, in shape and women want me everywhere I go. I am dating a "10" right now. She is the hottest woman I have ever met!!! Everywhere I go with her, all the guys drool and look at me with envy. ;)
  7. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Anyone dare to compare? ;)
  8. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

  9. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    I guess so. I think Rihad has made amazing progress, and he looks incredible. I am starting to look incredible too. We are bodybuilders after all. Sure, its vain and narcissistic I suppose. As is obsessing over how strong you are. Not all of us want to be fat powerlifters.
  10. Sci

    is feeling awesome

    is feeling awesome
  11. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Update. I haven't even stepped foot into the gym since my lost post. Why Not you say? I have been working like a maniac, and my job is physical enough to maintain muscle mass. Also, I made about 2 Grand this week, maybe more, :D not sure as I am paid on commission and haven't received my...
  12. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Yeah, you are right, nobody is really interested in my psychotic ramblings. I don't want to gain 30 anymore, and if I ever pull 500, so be it, but its not important to me. My mental health is important to me. I'll just end this log and duck out for awhile. Happy lifting guys, its been a hoot!
  13. Sci

    Lol's New HST Log

    I have to say Lol, that the commercial gym you describe is garbage. The commercial gym I go to looks like a place where Jay Cutler would lift! Hardcore heavy machines and free weights galore! The leg Press sled goes so high, I've never seen anyone max it out! Some of the machines are easy...
  14. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    This video is fun.
  15. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Just had one of the most awesome days in my entire life. I'm in a state that psychiatrists call "hypomania", not quite full mania which is pretty intense and sometimes psychotic! But hypomania is a whole different animal! It's actually great, as we bipolar brained people can experience higher...
  16. Sci

    Weights, cardio and stuff log

    That's a monster pull. Well done.
  17. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Yep, cutting and heavy lifting go hand in hand. The best way to retain lean mass. :)
  18. Sci

    Lol's New HST Log

    140k front squat. Impressive!:)
  19. Sci

    One HST concept I don't fully understand...

    Yeah, but we are not ants. The Laws of physics determine that you have to increase the cross-section area of a muscle to produce maximum force using your nervous system. I don't care how trained your nervous system is to stimulate your muscles, the muscles will tear and get ripped apart if...
  20. Sci

    Sci's Bipolar Lifting Log.

    Cable Row: 220x5 Bench: 235x6 Deads: 365x1 (conventional, unbelted, I can do more with sumo, belted, but trying to strengthen the lower back) Shrugs: 365x8 Press: 135x8 Pulldowns: 220x6 Calf Raise: 300x15 Cable Crossover: 85x10 Laterals: 25s x10 Doing well, meds are working. Back on a...